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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Miller, Henry. "Mystery of the Lead Coffins." American History 30 (1995): 46-48, 62-65.

Moreno, Jonathan D. "Lessons Learned: A Half-Century of Experimenting on Humans." The Humanist 59 (September/October 1999): 9-15.

Neumark, Yehuda, Michelle L. Van Etten, and James C. Anthony. "'Drug Dependence' and Death: Survival Analysis of the Baltimore ECA Sample from 1981 to 1995." Substance Use & Misuse 2000 35 (no. 3): 313-27.

Obasanjo, Olugbenga Olufemi. The Geographic Epidemiology of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Disease in Baltimore, 1971-1995. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1999.

"Once the Metropolis of Maryland: The History and Archaeology of Maryland's First Capital." A Briefe Relation 22 (Spring 2000): 5-6.

"Patuxent River Naval Air Station Partners with Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum." In Context 7 (November 1999): [5].

Plumley, Lisa, and Al Luckenbach. "Tracing Larrimore Point Through Time: Excavations at 18AN1065." Maryland Archeology 36 (March 2000): 11-24.
Categories: Archaeology, Other

Raskin, Susan. "The 'Father' of Modern Genetic Mapping." Maryland Medicine 1 (Autumn 2000): 12-14.
Categories: Medicine, Other

Riordan, Timothy B. "The 17th-century Cemetery at St. Mary's City: Mortuary Practices in the Early Chesapeake." Historical Archaeology 31 (1997): 28-40.

Robbins, Peggy. "'I Am Ashamed of My Conduct': Dr. Samuel Mudd's Attempt to Escape from Fort Jefferson." Civil War Times Illustrated 16 (1978): 10-16.

Roberts, Daniel G., and David Barrett. "Nightsoil Disposal Practices of the 19th Century and the Origin of Artifacts in Plowzone Proveniences." Historical Archaeology 18 (1984): 108-115.

Shaner, Richard H. "Distillation and Distilleries Among the Dutch." Pennsylvania Folklife 13 (1963): 39-42.

Shomette, D., and Fred W. Hopkins. "The Search for the Chesapeake Flotilla." American Neptune 43 (1983): 5-19.

Stevens, J. Sanderson. "Examination of Shepard and Potomac Creek Wares at a Montgomery Complex Site (44LD521)." Journal of Middle Atlantic Archaeology 14 (1998): 95-126.

Swann, John P. "Manuscript Resources in the History of Chemistry at the National Library of Medicine." Annals of Science [Great Britain] 46 (1989): 249-262.

Temkin, Martha. "Guns or Plowshares: Significance and a Civil War Agricultural Landscape." Maryland Archeology 36 (March 2000): 25-34.

Wall, Barbra Mann. "Called to a Mission of Charity: the Sisters of St. Joseph in the Civil War." Nursing History Review 6 (1998): 85-113.

Ward, H. Henry. "Prehistoric Utilization of Ironstone in the Central Middle Atlantic." Pennsylvania Archaeologist 58 (1988): 7-25.

Whitlock, Robert T. "The Agues and 'Seasoning': Malaria in the Chesapeake and Early America." Weather Gauge 36 (Spring 2000): 24-29.
Categories: Medicine, Other

Wilke, Steve, and Gail Thompson. Prehistoric Archeological Resources in the Maryland Coastal Zone: A Management Overview. [Baltimore]: Department of Natural Resources, Energy and Coastal Zone Administration, 1977.

Worthington, W. Curtis, Jr. "Confederate Surgeon: the Letters of Thomas Smith Waring, a South Carolina Planter-Physician at War." Journal of Confederate History 2 (1989): 55-92.

Yentsch, Anne, and Larry W. McKee. "Footprints of Buildings in Eighteenth-century Annapolis." American Archeology 6 (1987): 40-51.

Hurry, Robert J. The Discovery and Archeological Investigation of the Benjamin Banneker Homestead (18BA292), Baltimore County, Maryland. Crownsville, MD: Maryland Historical Trust Press, 2000.

"Maryland Archaeologists Dig Up Remains of Free-Standing Black Community." Black Issues in Higher Education, 18 (August 30, 2001): 16.

"Artifacts: [triangular bit tubular pipe]." Maryland Archeology, 38 (March 2002): 38.
Categories: Archaeology

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