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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Israel, Stephen F., and Wayne E. Clark. "The Kirby Farm Site (18CR281): A Middle and Late Woodland Period Hunting Quarter in Carroll County, Maryland." Maryland Archeology, 53 (March 2020): 1-36.

Ashcraft, Mary Ann, and Eleanor S. Darcy. "An Illustrated Overview of Carroll County's Domestic Architecture." Carroll History Journal, 12 (Spring 2019): 1-12.

White, Jack. "Hell in All Capitals: Robert Schnitzer, Carroll County, and the Mount of the Falcon." Carroll History Journal, 10 (Fall 2017): 1-8.

Parsons, Daniel. "Deal Island: The Transformation of a Community, 1850-1880." Shoreline, 26 (February 2020): 12-16.

White, Jack. "Sykesville for Sale: The Rise and Fall of Wade Warfield." Carroll History Journal, 10 (Winter 2017): 1-8.

Lightner, James E. "Four Men and a 'Wild Idea': The Founders of Western Maryland/McDaniel College." Carroll History Journal, 11 (Spring 2018): 1-8.

Ashcraft, Mary Ann. "Some Went South: Carroll County Confederates." Carroll History Journal, 11 (Fall 2018): 1-8.

Riley, Samuel M. "The Road Most Traveled: The Shrivers and the Turnpike." Carroll History Journal, 12 (Fall 2019): 1-8.

Dolde, Jennifer. "A Place for Everybody: Henry's Beach on the Segregated Eastern Shore." Chesapeake Log, (Spring/Summer 2021): 20-23.

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