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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Thomas, Dawn F., and Robert Barnes. The Green Spring Valley-Its History and Heritage. 2 vols. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1978.
Notes: One of the largest histories dedicated to a Maryland locale. The first half of the first volume includes intensive information on the area's land grants, biographical sketches of early settlers, a discussion of the economic development of the area, histories of the area's religious congregations, the areas educational institutions, and horse culture. The second portion deals with the history of the area's houses and the people who lived in them. The second volume, by Robert Barnes, is a genealogy of 32 major families.

Wolff, Robert S. Racial Imaginings: Schooling and Society and Industrial Baltimore, 1860-1920. Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1997.

Cameron, Mark. "Monuments of Urbanity: The Development of Baltimore's Residential Squares." Maryland Humanities (Winter 1998): 5.

Leone, Mark. "William Paca's Power Garden: The Art of Illusion in Colonial Annapolis." Maryland Humanities (July/August 1994): 9-11.

Paca-Steele, Barbara, and St. Clair Wright. "The Mathematics of an Eighteenth-Century Wilderness Garden." Journal of Garden History [Great Britain] 6 (October-December 1986): 299-320.
Notes: Garden of William Paca House, Annapolis.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "A Chesapeake Craftsman's Eighteenth Century Gardens." Journal of Garden History [Great Britain] 9 (July-September 1989): 414-52.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "Gardening Books in Eighteenth Century Maryland." Journal of Garden History [Great Britain] 9 (July-September 1989): 106-10.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "Genteel and Necessary Amusements: Public Pleasure Gardens in Eighteenth-Century Maryland." Journal of Garden History [Great Britain] 9 (July-September 1989): 118-24.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "A Late Eighteenth-Century 'Tour' of Baltimore Gardens." Journal of Garden History [Great Britain] 9 (July-September 1989): 125-40.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "The Old Man and the Garden: A Chesapeake Craftsman's Eighteenth-Century Grounds." Maryland Humanities (July/August 1994): 5-8.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "Writings about Pleasure and Kitchen Gardening Available in Eighteenth Century Maryland." Journal of Garden History [Great Britain] 9 (July-September 1989): 153-59.

Worden, Robert L. "The Gardens at the Charles Carroll House of Annapolis." Magnolia: Bulletin of the Southern Garden History Society 10 (Winter 1993): 1-6.

Bode, Carl. "Mencken & Maryland (University that is)." Maryland 13 (Winter 1980): 38-39.

Cunningham, Raymond J. "The German Historical World of Herbert Baxter Adams: 1874-1876." Journal of American History 68 (September 1981): 261-75.

Garrigus, Carl E., Jr. "The Reading Habits of Maryland's Planter Gentry, 1718-1747." Maryland Historical Magazine 92 (Spring 1997): 36-53.
Notes: Studies of reading habits have enjoyed a renaissance in recent years, and this article builds on pioneering research in the 1930s of Joseph Towne Wheeler in analyzing the contents of colonial Maryland bookshelves. The change in reading preferences that occurred in the later eighteenth century brought much greater diversity to personal libraries that formerly were dominated by devotional, legal and classical titles. There also is evidence that reading before 1750 was more intensive, that is, readers tended to return to the same text or passage for repeated readings. This, coupled with the expense of purchasing and importing books, helps explain the relative paucity of published works owned by the literate elite in colonial Maryland.

Higham, John. "Herbert Baxter Adams and the Study of Local History." The American Historical Review 89 (December 1984): 1225-1239.

Thaler, David S. "H. L. Mencken and the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute." Menckeniana 87 (Fall 1983): 10-13.

Woodall, Guy R. "Robert Walsh in France." Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Spring 1976): 86-92.

Alexander, Douglas, II. "Stendhal and Violence on the Baltimore Stage." Maryland Historical Magazine 66 (1971): 68-72.

Benson, Norman Arthur. The Itinerant Dancing and Music Masters of Eighteenth-Century America. Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1963.

Black, Mary Childs. The Theatre in Colonial Annapolis. M.A. thesis, George Washington University, 1952.

Carney, Benjamin Franklin. The Baltimore Theatre Project, 1971-1983: Toward a People's Theatre. Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri, 1985.

Chidsey, Martha Ann. The West Street Theatre, Annapolis, Maryland: 1771-74. M.A. thesis, American University, 1977.

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