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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Foner, Philip S. "Address of Frederick Douglass at the Inauguration of Douglass Institute, Baltimore, October 1, 1865." Journal of Negro History 54 (1969): 174-183.

Gibson, Donald B. "Christianity and Individualism: (Re-) Creation and Reality in Frederick Douglass's Representation of Self." African American Review 26 (Winter 1992): 591-603.

Goldstein, Leslie F. "Violence as an Instrument for Social Change: The Views of Frederick Douglass, 1819-1895." Journal of Negro History 41 (January 1976): 61-72.

Hajdusiewicz, Babs Bell. Mary Carter Smith: African-American Storyteller. Springfield, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 1995.

Hamlett, Roz. "Cardiac Surgery's Invisible Man." Johns Hopkins Magazine 45 (November 1993): 54-58.
Notes: Dr. Vivien Thomas.

Howard-Pitney, David. "Wars, White America, and the Afro-American Jeremiad: Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr." Journal of Negro History 71 (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 1986): 23-37.

Johnson, Gerri. "Maryland Roots: An Examination of the Free State's WPA Ex-Slave Narratives." Free State Folklore 4 (Spring 1977): 18-34.

Johnson, Whittington B. "The Origin and Nature of African Slavery in Seventeenth-Century Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 73 (September 1978): 236-45.

Jordan, William George. 'Getting America Told:' The Black Press and its Dialogue with White America, 1914-1919. Ph.D. diss., University of New Hampshire, 1996.

Jordan, Winthrop. White Over Black: American Attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1968.

Levine, Robert S. "'Uncle Tom's Cabin' in 'Frederick Douglass' Paper: An Analysis of Reception." American Literature 64 (March 1992): 71-93.

Lofton, John. "Enslavement of the Southern Mind: 1775-1825." Journal of Negro History 43 (1958): 132-139.

McEwen, Phyllis. "Zora Neale Hurston: Genius of the South." Maryland Humanities (Fall 1997): 7-12.

Martin, Waldo E. The Mind of Frederick Douglass. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.

Maxwell, Barry. "Frederick Douglass's Haven-Finding Art." Arizona Quarterly 48 (Winter 1992): 47-73.

Meier, August. "Benjamin Quarles and the Historiography of Black America." Civil War History 26 (June 1980): 101-16.

Meier, August. "Frederick Douglass's Vision for America: A Case Study in Nineteenth-Century Negro Protest." In Along the Color Line: Explorations in the Black Experience, edited by August Meier and Elliot Rudwick, 4-27. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1976.

Meier, August. A White Scholar and the Black Community, 1945-1965: Essays and Reflections. Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1992.

Meisenhelder. "Conflict and Resistance in Zora Neale Hurston's 'Mules and Men.'" Journal of American Folklore 109 (Summer 1996): 267-88.

Mitchell, Luther Craven. The Attitude of the Baltimore Sun Papers toward the Negro from 1940-Pearl Harbor Attack. M.A. thesis, Howard University, 1944.

Morgan, Winifred. "Gender-Related Difference in the Slave Narratives of Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass." American Studies 35 (Fall 1994): 73-94.

Norman, Kelly Lynn. "The Language of Being and Metaphor of Autobiography in Frederick Douglass's Narrative." Reden 4, no. 6 (1993): 21-28.

Oliver, Egbert S. "The Founding Fathers-Frederick Douglass and Booker T. Washington; or The Idea of Democracy and a Tradition of Afro-American Autobiography." Amerikastudien/ American Studies 35, no. 3 (1990): 281-96.

Orser, Frank. "Tracy L'Engle Angas and Zora Neale Hurston: Correspondence and Friendship." Southern Quarterly 36 (Spring 1998): 61-67.

Pace, Charles Everett. "Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist, Orator, Author, Editor." Maryland Humanities (January/February 1997): 11-15.

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