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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Rodgers, Marion Elizabeth, ed. Mencken and Sara, A Life in Letters: The Private Correspondence of H. L. Mencken and Sara Haardt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Rose, Lou. "Dr. Thomas Bond of Calvert County. . . ." Calvert Historian 1 (April 1985): 25-29; 2 (April 1986): 22-34.

Rose, Lou, and Michael Marti. Arthur Storer of Lincolnshire, England and Calvert County, Maryland. Prince Frederick, MD: Calvert County Historical Society, 1984.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "An Interview with Dr. Robert J. Brugger." Maryland Humanities (Spring/Summer 1995): 36-37.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "An Interview with Dr. Robert I. Cottom, Jr." Maryland Humanities (November/December 1994): 28-29.

Shapiro, Karl Jay. Poet: An Autobiography in Three Parts. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 1988.

Silverman, Kenneth. Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-Ending Remembrance. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1991.

Sledge, Ed. "The Odyssey of Gov. Thomas Johnson's Grandfather." Calvert Historian 6 (Spring/Fall 1991): 20-23.

Taney, Helen Gallagher. "Sidelights: Roger B. Taney - In Historical Perspective." Calvert Historian 9 (Fall 1994): 10-11.

Turner, Louise Boone. "Last Days of Uncle Dickie." Calvert Historian 9 (Fall 1994): 23-26.

Turner, Louise Boone. "Richard Henry Hammond Key." Calvert Historian 3 (Fall 1988): 26-30.

Vojtech, Pat. "Prophet and Pariah." Annapolis 8 (January 1994): 24-29.
Notes: Tom Horton.

"We Came To Holland Point in 1892." Calvert Historian 13 (Spring 1998): 63-69.

Wentworth, Jean. "Not Without Honor: William Lloyd Garrison." Maryland Historical Magazine 62 (1967): 318-336.

Whisman, Anne. "Hulbert Footner Remembered." Calvert Historian (October 1985): 17-20.

Whitehill, Joseph. "The Convict and the Burgher: a Case Study of Communication Crime." American Scholar 38 (1969): 441-451.

"Who is He?: Captain Richard C. Mackall (10/3/1830-11/23/1861), Richmond, Virginia." Calvert Historian 13 (Spring 1998): 5-6.

Wineapple, Brenda. Sister Brother: Gertrude and Leo Stein. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1996.

Yardley, Jonathan. States of Mind: A Personal Journey Through the Mid-Atlantic. New York: Villard, 1993.
Notes: A combination travelogue and autobiography, the award-winning <em>Washington Post</em> book critic, Jonathan Yardley, surveys the scene in and around Maryland. His distinctive style makes for entertaining reading as he looks for the characteristic and unusual in the region. Yardley's book is an ideal companion guide for visitors seeking a more personal perspective on the people and places of the mid-Atlantic.

Adams, Marseta. "H. Rap Brown: 'Fight for your Rights.'" Calvert Historian 11 (Fall 1996): 53-67.

Anderson, Douglas. "The Textual Reproductions of Frederick Douglass." Clio 27 (Fall 1998): 57-87.

Ballard, Barbara Jean. Nineteenth-Century Theories of Race, the Concept of Correspondences, and the Images of Blacks in the Anti-slavery Writings of Douglass, Stow, and Browne. Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1992.

Basalla, Susan Elizabeth. Family Resemblances: Zora Neale Hurston's Anthropological Heritage. Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 1997.

Bedini, Silvio A. The Life of Benjamin Banneker: The First African-American Man of Science. Rev. ed. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1999.

Blassingame, John W., and John R. McKivigan, eds. Series one, vol. 4. The Frederick Douglass Papers: Speeches, Debates and Interviews, 1864-80. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.

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