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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Browne, Gary L. "Urban Centers of the Past." Maryland Heritage News 2 (Fall 1984): 6-7.
Notes: A variety of factors effect the rise and fall of urban centers -- transportation, market, environmental, and political changes, as well as the rise of other centers. Browne presents a brief discussion of the fate of approximately ten urban centers.

Chappell, Helen. "Crosscurrents of Culture." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 23 (October 1993): 40-45.
Notes: Tilghman Island.

Chappell, Helen. "Downhome Bellevue." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 24 (September 1994): 41-45.

Clarke, Wendy Mitman. "Out of St. Michaels." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 28 (July 1998): 44-45, 86-88.

Dudley, David. "Getaways: Water World." Baltimore 91 (March 1998): 86-88, 118.

Earle, Swepson. The Chesapeake Bay Country. Baltimore: Thomsen-Ellis Company, 1923.
Notes: Divided into three regions -- southeastern Maryland, Upper Bay, and the Eastern Shore, this work includes a history for each, written by five noted authors, followed by a description of the counties in each, along with places of interest and the people of these places. The histories of the areas places special emphasis on major houses and genealogy of the owners. It is nicely illustrated with contemporary photographs, which nearly 80 years later serve as historic images. There are four pages of interesting photos of African Americans.

Hanks, Douglas, Jr. Talbot Memories of J. McKenny Willis, Jr. Easton, MD: Talbot County Free Library, 1992.

Hanks, Douglas, III. "Faces of Oxford." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 26 (February 1997): 56-63.

Harrington, Norman. The Easton Album. Easton, MD: Historical Society of Talbot County, 1986.

Horton, Tom. "Poplar Island Rising." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 29 (May 1999): 58-63, 103.

Hughes, Elizabeth. "Founded on Steam: A History of Claiborne, Maryland." Weather Gauge 28 (Fall 1992): 19-22.

Hurst, Harold W. "Notes on Antebellum Easton." Maryland Historical Magazine 88 (Summer 1993): 181-88.
Notes: Although a small population center, Easton, during the nineteenth century, was the major town of the Eastern Shore. The Shore's banking, its hotels, newspapers, and political activity all centered on the community.

Jopp, Harold D. Rediscovery of the Eastern Shore: Delmarva Travelogues of the 1870s. Wye Mills, MD: Chesapeake College Press, 1986.
Notes: Reprints of articles by four different authors which appeared in the leading nineteenth century publications of <em>Harper's New Monthly Magazine</em>, <em>Lippincott's Magazine</em>, and <em>Scribner's Monthly</em>. The authors included noted illustrator Howard Pyle and Maryland writer George Townsend.

Joynes, J. William. Talbot Tales: An Historical Drama of the Eastern Shore, with Hymn Tunes, Folk Songs, Ballads and Dame. Published by the author, 1986.

Manchester, Andi. "A Cruising Family Visits St. Michael's." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 20 (April 1991): 40-43, 50.

Manchester, Andi. "Oxford." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 22 (September 1992): 26-29, 44.

Preston, Dickson J., and Norman Harrington. Oxford: The First Three Centuries. Easton, MD: Historical Society of Talbot County, 1984.

Preston, Dickson J. Talbot County: A History. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1983.

Preston, Dickson J. Trappe: The Story of an Old-Fashioned Town. Easton, MD: Trappe Bicentennial Committee, 1976.

Reps, John. Tidewater Towns: City Planning in Colonial Virginia and Maryland. Williamsburg, VA: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1972.
Notes: Early towns did not generally spring out of nowhere. Town planning was common and an important part of Chesapeake Maryland's colonial history. The government played an active role in the founding and formation of towns. Annapolis and the District of Columbia were unique in that their plans did not resemble those common amongst other English colonies.

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