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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Tucker, Barclay Earl. "History of Forest Hill." Harford Historical Bulletin 29 (Summer 1986): 53-83.

"Upton Historic District: A Walk Through Black History in Baltimore." Keeping Time: The Newsletter of the Baltimore City Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation 2 (Winter 1990): 1, 3-5.

Usilton, Fred.. G. History of Kent County Maryland 1630-1916. Privately printed, [1980?].

Varner, Lynne K. "The Forgotten Town of Oriole." Maryland 23 (Summer 1991): 20-25.
Notes: Oriole was once a prosperous Methodist black community whose inhabitants were farmers and watermen. The few remaining residents of Oriole are hoping to revitalize the community through the preservation of St. James Church, once a cornerstone of the community.

"Washington's Views of Kent County." Old Kent 12 (Spring 1995): 1-2.

Wennersten, John R. Maryland's Eastern Shore: A Journey in Time and Place. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1992.
Notes: Wennersten's goal is to make the reader understand the distinct society that is the eastern shore through discussion of the area's agricultural life, its race relations, and maritime society. Brief histories are given of some communities and mention made of some influential people.

Williams, John Page. "Seeking Refuge." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 24 (June 1994): 18, 20.
Notes: Eastern Neck Island.

Willis, Bob. "Harbor to Shore-And Back Again." Maryland 27 (July/August 1995): 79, 81.

Wilstach, Paul. Tidewater Maryland. Indianapolis, IN: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1931.
Notes: A narrative history of those Maryland counties, all but seven of the twenty-three, touched by saltwater, arranged by theme and locale. There is a great deal of emphasis on the founding of towns and important personages, a wide variety of subjects are covered.

Anthony, James T. "Early Attempts at Wildlife Conservation in Maryland." Old Kent 1 (December 1985): 1-2.

Davis, Lynn. "Garden Roots." Heartland of Del-Mar-Va 11 (Sunshine 1988): 154-67.

DeGast, Robert. Western Wind, Eastern Shore: A Sailing Cruise Around the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.
Notes: De Gast sails a small boat around the entire DelMarVa Peninsula, an interesting voyage with useful observations.

Footner, Hulbert. Rivers of the Eastern Shore. Seventeen Maryland Rivers. New York: Holt Reinhart and Winston, 1944.
Notes: Footner writes mostly stories about history, but he does view Chesapeake river environments from a mid-1940s perspective.

Heckscher, Christopher M. "Distribution and Habitat Associations of the Eastern Mud Salamander, Pseudotriton montanus, on the Delmarva Peninsula." Maryland Naturalist 39 (January-June 1995): 11-14.

"Matapeake State Park." Isle of Kent (Spring 1999): 4.

Scott, Jane. Between Ocean and Bay: A Natural History of Delmarva. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1991.

Bode, Carl. "Mencken and Semitism." Menckeniana 120 (Winter 1991): 1-7.

Breslaw, Elaine G. Dr. Alexander Hamilton and the Enlightenment in Maryland. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, 1973.

Crews, Judith Mary. Virginity and Maryland: The American Founding Myth in the Sot-weed Factors of Ebenezer Cooke and John Barth. Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1984.

Fecher, Charles A. "Mencken and the Archbishop." Menckeniana 93 (Spring 1985): 2-6.

Hart, D. G. "A Connoisseur of 'Rabble-Rousing,' 'Human Folly,' and 'Theological Pathology:' H. L. Mencken on American Presbyterians." American Presbyterians 66 (Fall 1988): 195-204.

Hohner, Robert A. "'The Woes of a Holy Man: Bishop James Cannon, Jr., and H. L. Mencken." South Atlantic Quarterly 85 (Summer 1986): 228-38.

Holley, Val. "Vexing Utah: Mencken, DeVoto, and the Mormons." Menckeniana 125 (Spring 1993): 1-10.

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