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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Touart, Paul Baker. Along the Seaboard Side: The Architectural History of Worcester County, Maryland. Crownsville, MD: Maryland Historical Trust Press, 1994.

Assateague Island National Seashore (Maryland): An Administrative History. Washington, DC: Superintendent of Documents, 1982.

Badger, Curtis J. Worcester: A Pictorial Review. Accomac, VA: Eastern Shore News, Inc., 1974.

Blake, Allison. The Chesapeake Bay Book: A Complete Guide. 3rd edition. Lee, MA: Berkshire House Publishers, 1997.
Notes: A well researched tour guide for the general population.

Bohaska, Christopher, and Roger Miller. Ocean City: Captured Memories. Baltimore: Image Publishing, 1989.

Browne, Gary L. "Urban Centers of the Past." Maryland Heritage News 2 (Fall 1984): 6-7.
Notes: A variety of factors effect the rise and fall of urban centers -- transportation, market, environmental, and political changes, as well as the rise of other centers. Browne presents a brief discussion of the fate of approximately ten urban centers.

Calderwood, Paul T. "The Keyser Ridge Creamery." Glades Star 5 (September 1977): 33-35.

Chapelle, Suzanne Ellery Greene. Baltimore, An Illustrated History. American Historical Press, 2000.
Notes: A history of Baltimore, 1608-2000, for the general reader. A chronological history is presented which touches upon growth, politics, economics, education, cultural organizations, etc. Included at the end is a series of approximately 45 histories of leading 20th century businesses, companies, and organizations.

Corddry, Mary U. City on the Sand: Ocean City, Maryland and the People Who Built It. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1991.

Earle, Swepson. The Chesapeake Bay Country. Baltimore: Thomsen-Ellis Company, 1923.
Notes: Divided into three regions -- southeastern Maryland, Upper Bay, and the Eastern Shore, this work includes a history for each, written by five noted authors, followed by a description of the counties in each, along with places of interest and the people of these places. The histories of the areas places special emphasis on major houses and genealogy of the owners. It is nicely illustrated with contemporary photographs, which nearly 80 years later serve as historic images. There are four pages of interesting photos of African Americans.

Erickson, Marie Anne. "Thurmont." Historical Society of Frederick County Journal [3] (Summer 1994): 5-6.

Erlick, David P. "The Peales and Gas Lights in Baltimore." Maryland Historical Magazine 80 (Spring 1985): 9-18.
Notes: In 1816 Baltimore became the first city lite by gas lighting. What began as exhibitions at the Peale Museum became the Gas Light Company of Baltimore.

Fleming, Kevin. Ocean City, Maryland's Grand Old Resort. Annapolis, MD: Portfolio Press, 1990.

Harp, David W., and Tom Horton. Water's Way: Life Along the Chesapeake. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Notes: A photo essay on the environmental plight of the Eastern Shore, special attention is paid to the area's natural history and the life of the watermen.

Heland, Victoria J. Worcester Memories, 1890-1939. Snow Hill, MD: Worcester Heritage Committee, 1984.

Hornung, Tina. "Ocean City: Never an 'Off Season'." Maryland 26 (September/October 1994): 10-13, 15.

Hurley, George M., and Suzanne B. Hurley. Ocean City: A Pictorial History. Virginia Beach, VA: Dinning Company, Publishers, 1979.

McGrain, John W. "Historical Aspects of Lake Roland." Maryland Historical Magazine 74 (September 1979): 253-73.

Mackie, Norman Vardney, III. "Gravestone Procurement in St. Mary's County, 1634-1820." Maryland Historical Magazine 83 (Fall 1988): 229-40.
Notes: Thirteen cemeteries were evaluated in this study which demonstrates the socio-economic data that can be compiled from the use and construction type of gravestones. The raw materials of the stones, their style, and the distribution of the stones can all be evaluated and the economic condition of the time deduced. For example, as more prosperous wheat growing farmers populated the area more money was spent on permanent markers. Also, as sandstone became available in the county more tombstone carvers were able to work in the area.

Manchester, Andi. "Pocomoke City." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 19 (October 1989): 48-52.

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