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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Handwerker, Tom. "Something is Fishy Down on the Farm." Heartland of Del-Mar-Va 13 (Harvest 1991): 18-19.

McAllen, Bill. "Environmental Concern, Inc.: Ecological Farmers." Maryland 23 (Autumn 1990): 34-38.

Maryland Department of Agriculture. Animal Health Programs in Maryland, 1880-1986. Annapolis, MD: Maryland Department of Agriculture, 1990.

Pittman, LaVern. "Walnut Level: A Model Farm in Allegany County." Journal of the Alleghenies 30 (1994): 3-12.

Dean, David M. "Meshach Browning: Bear Hunter of Allegany County, 1781-1859." Maryland Historical Magazine 91 (Spring 1996): 73-83.
Notes: Meshach Browning was the author of an autobiography, <em>Forty-Four Years of the Life of a Hunter</em>, that might more properly be seen as a tall tale wrapped around the framework of an actual life. Browning (1751-1859) inhabited the frontier in the westernmost part of Maryland that later became Garrett County. He claimed to have killed 400 bears in his career. For those attracted to the stories of Davy Crockett or Paul Bunyon, Meshach Browning's life offers entertaining reading.

Klemer, Jane. "Birdman of the Patuxent." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 19 (June 1989): 66-69.
Notes: Steve Cardano.

The McKaig Journal, a Confederate Family of Cumberland. Cumberland, MD: Allegheny County Historical Society, 1984.

Parker, Willie J. Game Warden: Chesapeake Assignment. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1983.

Urbas, Anton. "Tony Urbas Has a Career Change." Journal of the Alleghenies 35 (1999): 37-48.

Vojtech, Pat. "Prophet and Pariah." Annapolis 8 (January 1994): 24-29.
Notes: Tom Horton.

Nevile, Barry, and Edward Jones. "Slavery in Worcester County, Maryland, 1688-1766." Maryland Historical Magazine 89 (Fall 1994): 319-27.
Notes: The authors examine slavery in Worcester County, Maryland, before the American Revolution, in order to paint a different picture of slavery than that which is portrayed in popular culture, the large, gang-labor-based institution of the cotton South. Ultimately, the authors set out to identify changing patterns of slaveholding in the county before the Revolution. The increase in the use of slaves corresponded with the decline in the use of indentured servants.

"Selected Readings on Afro-Americans and Maryland's Eastern Shore." Maryland Pendulum 5 (Fall/Winter 1985): 6-7.

Wilson, Emily Wanda. The Public Education of Negroes on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. M.A. thesis, Howard University, 1948.

Cordts, Jeanne M. "Iron Fences in Frostburg." Journal of the Alleghenies 31 (1995): 89-98.

Cumberland Historic Buildings Cumberland, MD: Mayor and City Council, 1987.

Earle, Swepson. The Eastern Shore of Maryland: Its History, Traditions, Architecture, and Waters. Baltimore: Union Trust Co., [1930].

Earle, Swepson. Southern Maryland: Its History, Traditions, Architecture, and Waters. Baltimore: Union Trust Co., [1930].

Linebaugh, Donald W. "'All the Annoyances and Inconveniences of the Country': Environmental Factors in the Development of Outbuildings in the Colonial Chesapeake." Winterthur Portfolio 28 (Spring 1994): 1-18.

Newell, Dianne. The Failure to Preserve the Queen City Hotel, Cumberland, Maryland. Washington, DC: Preservation Press, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1975.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. Gardens and Gardening in the Chesapeake, 1700-1805. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.
Notes: Gardens are the result of a particular culture and are an outward sign of a special grace, according to Maryland architecture writer H. Chandlee Forman. Early gardens reflected the tastes and enthusiasms of their owners as much as did their mansions. The author's engaging account of the significance of the domestic landscape to its proprietors and their visitors includes color illustrations of several of the estates.

Selig, Jerome D. "Reconstruction of the C&O Canal." Maryland Conservationist 53 (May/June 1977): 16-19.

Silverman, Sharon H. "The Castle B&B." Maryland 27 (July/August 1995): 58-62.

Touart, Paul Baker. Along the Seaboard Side: The Architectural History of Worcester County, Maryland. Crownsville, MD: Maryland Historical Trust Press, 1994.

Ware, Donna M. Green Glades & Sooty Gob Piles: The Maryland Coal Region's Industrial and Architectural Past. Crownsville, MD: Maryland Historical and Cultural Publications, 1991.
Notes: Some 6,000 bridges, iron furnaces, log schoolhouses, company offices and stores, miner's houses, mill buildings, banks, churches, mansions, inns, resort cottages, and other structures associated with the extractive, manufacturing, and transportation industries of Garrett and western Allegany counties are surveyed and described here, with photographs, and contributions by Orlando Ridout, V, Geoffey B. Henry, and Mark R. Edwards. The largest project to date conducted by the Maryland Historical Trust is essential to an understanding of the unique remains of Maryland's historic resort area and coal and iron district.

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