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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Leone, Mark P., James M. Harmon, and Jessica L. Neuwirth. "Perspective and Surveillance in Eighteenth-Century Maryland Gardens, Including William Paca's Garden on Wye Island." Historical Archeology, 39 (no. 4, 2005): 138-58.

Bonner, John. "Kent Island's Involvement in the War of 1812." Isle of Kent, (Winter 2006): 1-2, 7.

Cook, Nancy. "Historic Preservation in Queen Anne's County." Isle of Kent, (Spring 2007): 1-2.

Lewis, Brent. "Kent Island and World History." Isle of Kent, (Spring 2007): 7.

"Kent Island Methodism." Isle of Kent, (Fall 2007): 4.

Chambers, Miriam P. Centreville in the Early 20th Century. Centreville, MD: Corsica Bookshop, 1974.

"School Days." Isle of Kent, (Fall 1990): 204.
Notes: Schools in Queen Anne's County.

Archaelogical Society of Delaware. Icehouse Point Site. Bethlehem, CT: The Society, 1984.
Notes: Historic 17th-century plantation site in Queen Anne's County.

Fauntroy, Michael K. "Afros and Elephants: Black Republican Candidates Running Statewide in 2006." Western Journal of Black Studies, 32 (Summer 2008): 41-50.

"Maryland Bishops Testify Against Death Penalty." America, 199 (September 8, 2008): 7.

"Maryland Legislature to Study Death Penalty." America, 198 (April 14, 2008): 7-8.

Peters, Fran. "Been to the Old Stevensville Post Office Lately?" Isle of Kent, (Fall 2008): 7.

Barrett, Charles L. "Walter Kirby Famly Kent, Talbot, and Queen Anne's Counties, Maryland 1679-ca.1750." Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, 21 (Summer 1980): 216-19.

Coppage, Miriam L. History of Bethany United Methodist Church and The Community of Price, Maryland. N.p. Privately published, 1980.

Barton, Mrs. W. Marvin. "Queen Anne's County, Md., Graveyards." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist, 22 (April 1981): 27.

Blackpool, Stephen. Maryland Historical Markers: Kent, Queen Anne's & Talbot Counties. Baltimore: Stephen Blackpool, 2004.

Thompson, Bruce F. "The Keelson from the Earle Cove Wreck Site (18QU612), Queen Anne's County, Maryland." Maryland Archeology, 44 (September 2008): 5-11.

Walter, Ingrid. "Africa Trade Office Opens in Maryland." New African, 480 (January 2009): 74.

Ruggles, Linda R. Scholarly Community in the 21st Century: Hanging Out in Cyber Space. Ph.D. diss., Capella University, 2009.

Keiner, Christine. The Oyster Question: Scientists, Watermen and the Maryland Chesapeake Bay since 1880. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press, 2009.

Harlowe, Jerry L. Mile Markers of the Baltimore and Frederick-Town Turnpike 1805-2005: A Finder's Guide. Catonsville, MD: Patapsco Falls Press, 2005.

Decter, Avi Y., and Deborah R. Weiner. "Maryland Israel, 1830 to the Present." Generations, (2007/08): 107-15.

Brown, Eless D. PRAMS Evaluation 2001-2005 in Florida, Maryland, and North Carolina: screening, treatment and referral to services for women exposed to violence during pregnancy. Ph.D. diss., Capella University, 2010.

Krulewitch, C.J. "Epidemiology of Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide Events among Women of Childbearing Age in Maryland, 1994-2003." American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 30 (December 2009): 362-65.

Barnes-Thomas, Cindy. "NAACP Honors Clarence Mitchell with Centennial Celebration." The Crisis, 118 (Spring 2011): 41.

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