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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Lamson, Lisa Rose. "'Our Duty is to Furnish Such Education': Black Children and Schooling in Baltimore City, 1828-1900." Ph.D. diss., Marquette University, 2021.

Polga-Hecimovich, John, John M. Carey, and Yusaku Horiuchi. "Student Attitudes Toward Campus Diversity at the U.S. Naval Academy: Evidence from Conjoint Survey Experiments." Armed Forces & Society, 47 (April 2021): 386-409.

Smith, Robert D. "Toward a Theory of Institutions: Institutional Betrayal and Dispersions of Accountability at Johns Hopkins University." Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 22 (July-September 2021): 465-77.

Broadwell, Larry, and William Needham, eds. Hikes in the Washington Region, Part A: Montgomery, Frederick, and Washington Counties in Maryland. 7th ed. Vienna, VA: Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, 2021.

Guillen, Nalleli. "Complicit Material Culture: Brooklyn's History of Slavery in a Charles Willson Peale Portrait Miniature of George Washington." Winterthur Portfolio, 55 (Spring 2021): 49-65.

Letzer, Mark B. "Joshua Johnson Portrait Collection Travels to Washington County." Maryland History and Culture News, (Spring 2021): 20-21.

Andersen, Patricia Abelard. Montgomery County, Maryland, Deed Books: Libers O-P-Q Abstracts, 1808-1813. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2021.

Andersen, Patricia Abelard. Montgomery County, Maryland, Deed Books: Libers R-S19-S20-T-U Abstracts, 1813-1819. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2021.

Andersen, Patricia Abelard. Montgomery County, Maryland, Deed Books: Libers V, W, X, and Y Abstracts, 1819-1827. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2021.

Himmelheber, Peter. "Indentured People." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Winter 2021): 15.

Maryland State Archives. A Guide to the History of Slavery in Maryland. Rev. ed. Annapolis: Maryland State Archives, 2020.

Menaker, Howard. "RHS Welcomes Maya Davis." Riversdale, 38 (Spring 2021): 1, 3.

Cumming, Daniel Graham. "Health is Wealth: The Rise of a Medical Metropolis and the Remaking of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century Baltimore." Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2021.

Fletcher, Lauren. "The United States Colored Troops from Howard County." The Legacy, 58 (Summer 2021): 6-7.

Cassie, Ron. "The Many Trials of Keith Davis Jr." Baltimore, 114 (December 2021): 92-99, 141-43.

Cobbina-Dungy, Jennifer. "'I'm afraid of cops': black protesters' and residents' perceptions of policing in the United States." Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 19 (July-December 2021): 244-66.

Maddox, Lucy. The People of Rose Hill: Black and White Life on a Maryland Plantation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021.

Mangin, Julianne. "Aspin Hill Pet Cemetery: 100 Years of Pets, People, and the Stories Behind the Stones." Montgomery County Story, 63 (Fall 2020): 1-21.

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