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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Clarke, Wendy Mitman. "Denton Redone." Chesapeake Bay Magazine, 42 (May 2012): 22-27, 44-47.

Lamb, John. A Strange Engine of War: The Winans Steam Gun and the Civil War in Maryland. Baltimore: Chesapeake Book Company, 2011.

Pomeroy, Jennifer Yongmei. Analyzing Municipal Annexations: Case Studies in Frederick and Caroline Counties of Maryland, 1990-2010. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2012.

Watts, Jacqueline. "Just His Type: H.L. Mencken's Techy Typewriter." Menckeniana, 204 (Winter 2012): 3-7.

"Seventeenth-Century Science." A Briefe Relation, 34 (Holiday 2013): 1-2.

Moore, Tilden L. 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume IV, Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester. Reprint. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2015.

Moser, Fredrika. "Harnessing the Power of Science to Improve Maryland's Coasts." Chesapeake Quarterly, 16 (December 2017): 2-4.

Breslaw, Elaine G. "Enlightened Marylanders: Scientific Interests of pre-Revolutionary Times." Maryland Historical Magazine, 113 (Spring/Summer 2018): 4-19.

Cassie, Ron. "Collison Course." Baltimore, 111 (October 2018): 88-91.

Cranor, Henry Downes. Caroline County, Maryland 1776 Census of Bridgetown Hundred and Marriages, 1774-1815. Reprint. Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 2019.

Jensen, Brennen. "Mr. Science Television...and the Hopkins show ahead of its time." Johns Hopkins Magazine, 71 (Spring 2019): 28-35.

Schinto, Jeanne. "No Two Are Alike." Johns Hopkins Magazine, 71 (Winter 2019): 32-37.

McKnight, Matthew D., and Zachary L.F. Singer. "James Barwick's Ordinary: Geophysical Remote Sensing at an 18th-Century Tavern Site in Caroline County, Maryland." Maryland Archeology, 53 (September 2020): 17-35.

Junkin, Tim. "Speaking Science to Power." Chesapeake Bay Magazine, 50 (September 2020): 62-67.
Notes: Don Boesch.

Tresch, John. The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2021.

Vogel, William F. "'The Mighty Microbe Can Go to War': Scientists, Secrecy, and American Biological Weapons Research, 1941-1969." Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 2021.

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