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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Cooling, B. Franklin. Monocacy: The Battle that Saved Washington. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing, 1997.

Keller, S. Roger. Crossroads of War: Washington County, Maryland in the Civil War. Shippensburg, PA: Burd Street Press, 1997.

Luvaas, Jay, and Harold W. Nelson, eds. Guide to the Battle of Antietam: The Maryland Campaign of 1862. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1996.

Stefanon, Dyon. "Antietam: A Landscape for Time Travel." Civil War Times Illustrated, 36 (August 1997): 16, 21, 67-70.

Bardaglio, Peter W. "Under the Gun-Growing Up During the Civil War." Maryland Humanities, (Spring 1998): 2-5.

Soderberg, Susan Cooke. A Guide to Civil War Sites in Maryland: Blue and Gray in a Border State. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Books, 1998.
Categories: Military, Civil War

Adams, Charles S. The Civil War in Washington County, Maryland. Shepherdstown, WV: Charles S. Adams, 1996.

Large, George R., and Joe A. Swisher. Antietam: The Official History of the Maryland Campaign of 1862 by the Antietam Battlefield Board. Shippensburg, PA: Burd Street Press, 1998.

McGrath, Thomas A. Maryland September: True Stories from the Antietam Campaign. Gettysburg, PA: Thomas Publications, 1997.

"The Maryland Campaign of 1862 and Its Aftermath." Civil War Regiments: A Journal of the American Civil War, 6 (no. 2, 1998).

Dixon, Mike. "Tax Records from the Civil War." Cecil Historical Journal, 6 (Spring 2006): 16-17.

Hennessey, James. "THe Maryland Guard Battalion 53rd Regiment, Maryland Volunteer Militia, 1860-1861." Military Collector and Historian, 28 (Winter 1976): 164-65, 187-88.

Scott, Harold L. The Civil War Hospitals at Cumberland and Clarysville, Maryland. Cumberland, MD: Harold L. Scott, 1995.

Bowling, Garth, Jr. "Charles County's Georgetown Alumni During the Civil War." The Record, 67 (April 1995): 1.

Detwiler, Kurt B. Bicycling Through Civil War History in Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia. McLean, VA: EPM Publications, 1994.
Categories: Military, Civil War

Hartzler, Daniel D. "Maryland Confederate Harry Gilmor, Part II." Military Collector and Historian, 46 (Spring 1994): 21-25.

Jamieson, Perry D. Death in September: The Antietam Campaign. Colleyville, TX: Ryan Place Publishers, 1995.

Johnson, Curt, and Richard C. Anderson, Jr. Artillery Hell: The Employment of Artillery at Antietam. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1995.

Mills, Eric. Chesapeake Bay in the Civil War. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1996.

Mrozek, Albert A. "Confederates' Better Organization Gave the Advantage at Antietam." Artilleryman, 15 (Summer 1994): 28-32.

Soderberg, Susan Cooke. Lest We Forget: A Guide to Civil War Monuments in Maryland. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing,1995.

Ward, David A. "Of Battlefields and Bitter Feuds: the 96th Pennsylvania Volunteers." Civil War Regiments, 3 (no. 3, 1993): 1-32.

Winter, S. E. "Civil War Fortifications and Campgrounds on Maryland Heights, the Citadel of Harpers Ferry." In C. R. Geier and S. E. Winter, eds., Look to the Earth. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1994, pp. 101-29.

Alexander, Ted. "Two Great American Armies: The Opposing Forces at Antietam." Civil War Times, 45 (September 2006): 22-31.
Categories: Military, Civil War

Ballad, Ted. Battle of Antietam. Washington, DC: Center for Military History, United States Army, 2006.

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