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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Chambers, Tom. "Harford's Rich Newspaper Heritage: Harford County Newspapers Established During the 19th Century." Harford Historical Bulletin 50 (Fall 1991): 89-95.

Chambers, Tom. "Political Parties, Their Newspapers and Their Battling Editors." Harford Historical Bulletin 50 (Fall 1991): 101-12.

Chambers, Tom. "Political Upheaval Brings Upheaval in Harford County Newspaper Publishing." Harford Historical Bulletin 50 (Fall 1991): 113-27.

Chambers, Tom. "The Travail of Early Newspapers in Harford County." Harford Historical Bulletin 50 (Fall 1991): 96-100.

Chappell, Helen. "Story Teller." Annapolitan 5 (March 1991): 45-48.

Cheslock, Elise H. "How Did the Saturday Night Club Fare?" Menckeniana 112 (Winter 1989): 2-6.

Cheslock, Louis. "Some Personal Memories of H. L. M." Menckeniana 49 (Spring 1974): 3-11.

Clark, Michael D. "Jonathan Boucher: the Mirror of Reaction." Huntington Library Quarterly 33 (1969): 19-32.

Cleator, P. E., ed. Letters from Baltimore: The Mencken-Cleator Correspondence. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1982.

Cleman, John. "Irresistible Impulses: Edgar Allan Poe and the Insanity Defense." American Literature 63 (December 1991): 623-40.

Close, Jeffrey G. "H. L. Mencken: Philanthropist or Misanthrope?" Menckeniana 112 (Winter 1989): 10-12.

Coad, Oral S. "A Signer Writes a Letter in Verse." Journal of the Rutgers University Libraries 32 (1968): 33-36.

Cockey, Carolyn Davis. "Maryland's Gray Ladies." Maryland 28 (January 1996): 36-43.

Cohen, Edward H. Ebenezer Cooke: The Sot-weed Canon. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1975.

Copeland, David. "'Join or Die:' America's Newspapers in the French and Indian War." Journalism History 24 (Autumn 1998): 112-21.

Crews, Judith Mary. Virginity and Maryland: The American Founding Myth in the Sot-weed Factors of Ebenezer Cooke and John Barth. Ph.D. diss., University of Michigan, 1984.

Croghan, Melissa Erwin. Alcohol and Art in Nineteenth Century American Fiction: Studies of Poe and Stowe. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1992.

Cunningham, Raymond J. "The German Historical World of Herbert Baxter Adams: 1874-1876." Journal of American History 68 (September 1981): 261-75.

Cunningham, Shawn. "Mencken and the Feds." Menckeniana 123 (Fall 1992): 6-10.

Curren, Erik David. Bringing Horror Home: The Modern American Gothic. Ph.D. diss., University of California, Irvine, 1995.

Curtiss, Thomas Q. The Smart Set: George Jean Nathan & H. L. Mencken. New York: Applause Theatre Book Publishers, 1998.

Daly, Patrick S. "The Poet Mencken: An Annotated Checklist of Reviews of 'Ventures into Verse'." Menckeniana 127 (Fall 1993): 6-9.

Dameron, J. Lasley. "Poe, Plagiarism, and American Periodicals." Poe Studies 30 (June/December 1997): 39-47.

Davis, Richard Beale. "The Intellectual Golden Age in the Colonial Chesapeake Bay Country." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 78 (1970): 131-143.

Dayan, Joan. "Amorous Bondage: Poe, Ladies, and Slaves." American Literature 66 (June 1994): 239-73.

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