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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Gallien, Jeanie M. "James Calvert Wise: Soldier and Politician." Louisiana Studies 7 (1968): 347-377.

Geary, James W. "Another Lost Lincoln Letter: the President as Pragmatist or Humanitarian?" Lincoln Herald 76 (1974): 149-151.

George, Christopher T. "The Feuding Governors: Andros and Nicholson at Odds in Colonial Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 90 (Fall 1995): 334-48.

Gonder, Richard J. "Bernard I. Gonder: From Salesman to Senator." Glades Star 5 (March 1979): 121-32.

Goodspeed, Tom. "Glenn Peacock: Presidential River Guide." Maryland 23 (Summer 1991): 52-53.

Gordon, Martin K. "Patrick Magruder: Citizen, Congressman, Librarian of Congress." Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 32 (1975): 153-171.

"Hal Clagett III: pedigree and past performance indicate a true stayer." Maryland Horse 1 (September 1997): 1.
Notes: In <em>Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred</em> (September 1997).

Hallam, L. "Sultan of Swat Hits 100." Southern Living 30 (May 1995): 22.

Hanley, Thomas O'Brien. Revolutionary Statesman: Charles Carroll and the War. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1983.

Hardy, Beatriz Betancourt. "'A most Turbulent and Seditious person': Thomas Macnemara of Maryland." Maryland Humanities (January 1999): 8-11.

Hickey, Joseph B., Jr. "Rodger Gill: A Trainer of the Old School." Maryland Horse 58 (January 1992): 24-27.

Hickey, Joseph B., Jr. "Fitzsimmons Heritage Continues in Maryland." Maryland Horse 57 (May 1991): 30-36.

Hickey, Joseph B. "Harry Isaacs Remembered by Joe Hickey." Maryland Horse 56 (December 1990): 32-34.

Hodes, Michael C. "Jim McKay Up Close and Personal." Maryland 27 (September/October 1995): 12-17, 120.

Hoffman, Ronald. "'Marylando-Hibernus': Charles Carroll the Settler, 1660-1720." William and Mary Quarterly 45 (April 1988): 207-36.

Holland, Faith M. "What a Difference a Year Made: John Work Garrett Finds a Diplomatic Career." Maryland Historical Magazine 91 (Fall 1996): 276-97.

Humes, James C. "Andrew Hamilton: the 'Philadelphia Lawyer.'" American Bar Association Journal 55 (1969): 227-231.

Ireland, Robert M. "William Pinkney: A Revision and Re-emphasis." American Journal of Legal History 14 (1970): 235-246.

"Jockey's Fame Revived." Mid-Atlantic Thoroughbred (March/April 1996): 20.

Johnston, Sona K. "Friendship and Patronage: A Nineteenth-Century Tradition." Maryland Humanities (March/April 1994): 10-12.

Jones, Anita Elizabeth. Captain Charles Ridgely, Builder of Hampton Mansion: Mariner, Colonial Agent, Ironmaster, and Politician. M.A. thesis, Wake Forest University, 1981.

Kaplan, Jim. Lefty Grove, American Original. Cleveland, OH: Society for American Baseball Research, 2000.

Karr, Carolyn. "A Political Biography of Henry Hatfield." West Virginia History 28 (1966): 35-63, (1967): 137-170.

Keith, Caroline H. "For Hell and a Brown Mule:" The Biography of Senator Millard E. Tydings. Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 1991.
Notes: Millard Tydings (1890-1961) was a member of both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. A Democrat, he nevertheless clashed with Franklin Roosevelt on several occasions. His career mirrors some of the ambivalence felt by Marylanders in the first half of the 20th century as the challenges of economic depression and world war transformed the state and its conservative, southward-leaning mentality. Reflecting Maryland's distaste for extremism, Tydings was notable for his opposition to Joseph McCarthy's communist witch hunts.

Kelbaugh, Jack. "The Legacy of Maryland Governor Edwin Warfield, 1904-1908." Anne Arundel County History Notes 26 (October 1994): 3, 13-17.

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