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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Burkhead, Jackie, comp. "Innholders, Ordinary Owners, Tavern Owners and Liquor Retailers of Somerset and Worcester Counties, Maryland." Shoreline, 17 (December 2010): 17.

Decter, Avi Y., and Deborah R. Weiner. "Maryland Israel, 1830 to the Present." Generations, (2007/08): 107-15.

"Longevity of the Inhabitants of Somerset County on the Eastern Shore of Maryland." Shoreline, 17 (December 2010): 18.

Nevins, Andrew. "Variable Rules Meet Impoverishment Theory: Patterns of Agreement Leveling in English Varieties." Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics, 120 (May 2010): 1135-59.
Notes: Speech patterns on Smith Island.

Thompson, G. Ray, trans. "Alcohol Prices in Somerset County, MD, 1687/8." Shoreline, 17 (December 2010): 17.

Boyer, Jefferson. "Mabell Bounds and the Ducking Stool: Punishment For Women in 17th Century Somerset Courts." Shoreline, 17 (December 2010): 9.

Brown, Eless D. PRAMS Evaluation 2001-2005 in Florida, Maryland, and North Carolina: screening, treatment and referral to services for women exposed to violence during pregnancy. Ph.D. diss., Capella University, 2010.

Krulewitch, C.J. "Epidemiology of Intimate Partner Homicide-Suicide Events among Women of Childbearing Age in Maryland, 1994-2003." American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 30 (December 2009): 362-65.

Barnes-Thomas, Cindy. "NAACP Honors Clarence Mitchell with Centennial Celebration." The Crisis, 118 (Spring 2011): 41.

Carmean, Beth. "The Origins of Beckford House." Shoreline, 18 (October/November 2011): 1, 2.

Blumber, Jess, Ken Iglehart, John Lewis, Suzanne Loudermilk, Amy Mulvihill, Evan Serpick, and Max Weiss. "The Top 25 Moments that shook Baltimore in 2011." Baltimore, 104 (December 2011): 166-73.

Juppe, David B. Tax and Expenditure Limitations as a Tool of Counter Cyclical Fiscal Policy: post-2001 recession fiscal strategies in three states. Ph.D. diss., University of Baltimore, 2011.

"1872 Rules for Somerset County Teachers." Shoreline, 18 (June 2011): 7.

Horton, Tom. "Scrapeboatin' on Smith Island." Chesapeake Log, (Summer 2011): 17-20.

Moser, Jason D. 'The art and mystery of shipbuilding': An archaeological study of shipyards, shipwrights and shipbuilding in Somerset County, Maryland, 1660-1900. Ph.D. diss., Florida State University, 2011.

Cheng, Diana, and Priti Patel. "Optimizing women's health in a Title X family planningprogram, Baltimore County, Maryland, 2001-2004." Preventing Chronic Disease, 8 (November 2011): A126.

Connor, J.T.H. "Realizing Major William Borden's Dream: Military Medicine, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, and Its Wounded Warriors, 1909-2009." Journal of the History of Medicine and the Allied Sciences, 66 (July 2011): 380-94.

Cox, Shanna, Teresa Dean, and Samuel F. Posner, et al. "Disparities in Reproductive Health-Related Visits to the Emergency Department in Maryland by Age and Race, 1999-2005." Journal of Women's Health, 20 (December 2011): 1833-38.

Genberg, Becky L. Stephen J. Gange, and Vivian F. Go, et al. "Trajectories of Injection Drug Use over 20 Years (1988-2008) in Baltimore, Maryland." American Journal of Epidemiology, 173 (April 1, 2011): 829-36.

Windemth, Brenda, and Lyn Stankiewicz Murphy. "Implementation of an Educational Program to Improve Knowledge and Attitudes of Healthier Eating Practices and Benefits of Physical Activity among Residents of Smith Island, Maryland." Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care, 6 (December 2011): 185-92.

"Helping Military Families in Need." Maryland Life, 7 (May/June 2011): [Salute to the Military 10-12].

Levin, Jeff. "Health Impact of Jewish Religious Observance in the USA: Findings from the 2000-01 National Jewish Population Survey." Journal of Religion & Health, 50 (December 2011): 852-68.

Crum, Rosa M., Carla L. Storr, Alyson Schuster, and O. Joseph Bienvenu. "Sub-Clinical Anxiety and the Onset of Alcohol Use Disorders: Longitudinal Associations from the Baltimore ECA Follow-Up, 1981-2004." Journal of Addictive Diseases, 30 (no. 1, 2011): 45-53.

Setliff, Rebecca J. Sociolinguistic Variation in Smith Island English: Existential It. Ph.D. diss., Georgetown University, 2010.

Spiers, John. "The Long and Winding Road: A History of the Intercounty Connector, 1950-2006." Montgomery County Story, 54 (Summer 2011): 1-11.

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