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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Handwerker, Tom. "Something is Fishy Down on the Farm." Heartland of Del-Mar-Va 13 (Harvest 1991): 18-19.

McAllen, Bill. "Environmental Concern, Inc.: Ecological Farmers." Maryland 23 (Autumn 1990): 34-38.

Maryland Department of Agriculture. Animal Health Programs in Maryland, 1880-1986. Annapolis, MD: Maryland Department of Agriculture, 1990.

Bourne, Michael. "Walter T. Pippin-Designer, Contractor and Builder." Old Kent 10 (Summer 1993): [3-9].

Klemer, Jane. "Birdman of the Patuxent." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 19 (June 1989): 66-69.
Notes: Steve Cardano.

Parker, Willie J. Game Warden: Chesapeake Assignment. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1983.

Vojtech, Pat. "Prophet and Pariah." Annapolis 8 (January 1994): 24-29.
Notes: Tom Horton.

"Wide Hall." Old Kent 11 (Summer 1994): 1-2.
Notes: Esekiel Forman Chambers.

Clemens, Paul G.E. The Atlantic Economy and Colonial Maryland's Eastern Shore: From Tobacco to Grain. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980.

Daniels, Christine Marie. Alternative Workers in a Slave Economy, Kent County, Maryland, 1675-1810. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1990.

Bourne, Michael. Historic Houses of Kent County. Chestertown, MD: Historical Society of Kent County, 1998.

Bourne, Michael. "Little Neck." Old Kent 11 (Spring 1994): 3.

Duvall, Elizabeth S. Three Centuries of American Life: The Hyson-Ringgold House of Chestertown. Chestertown, MD: The Author, 1988.

Earle, Swepson. The Eastern Shore of Maryland: Its History, Traditions, Architecture, and Waters. Baltimore: Union Trust Co., [1930].

Earle, Swepson. Southern Maryland: Its History, Traditions, Architecture, and Waters. Baltimore: Union Trust Co., [1930].

"Geddes-Piper House-How It Came To Be Ours And How We View It Now." Old Kent 16 (Summer 1999): 3.

Harris, Walter G. "The 1884 Kent County Jail." Old Kent 4 (March 1988): 1-2.

Harris, Walter B., William D. Gould, Wilbur Ross Hubbard, and Norman Grieb. "Celebrating Our Fiftieth Anniversary: Acquiring and Restoring the Geddes-Piper House." Old Kent 3 (March 1987): I- 5.

"Historic Chester House." Isle of Kent (Summer 1993): 8.

Johnstone, Gene. "The Revitalization of Widehall." Old Kent 16 (Fall 1999): 1-2.

Johnstone, Eugene H. Historic Houses of Kent County: An Architectural History 1642-1860. Chestertown, MD: Historical Society of Kent County, 1998.

Linebaugh, Donald W. "'All the Annoyances and Inconveniences of the Country': Environmental Factors in the Development of Outbuildings in the Colonial Chesapeake." Winterthur Portfolio 28 (Spring 1994): 1-18.

Neill, Robert, et. al. Chesterstown, Maryland, an Inventory of Historic Sites, etc. Chestertown, MD: Town of Chestertown, 1981.

"River House Designer Showcase." Old Kent 9 (Spring 1992): 1-3.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. Gardens and Gardening in the Chesapeake, 1700-1805. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.
Notes: Gardens are the result of a particular culture and are an outward sign of a special grace, according to Maryland architecture writer H. Chandlee Forman. Early gardens reflected the tastes and enthusiasms of their owners as much as did their mansions. The author's engaging account of the significance of the domestic landscape to its proprietors and their visitors includes color illustrations of several of the estates.

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