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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Frantz, John B. "John C. Guldin, Pennsylvania-German Revivalist." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 87 (1963): 123-138.

Galke, Laura J. "Did the Gods of Africa Die: A Re-Examination of a Carroll House Crystal Assemblage." North American Archaeologist 21 (no. 1, 2000): 19-33.

Glaser, Richard. "The Greek Jews in Baltimore." Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976): 321-336.

Grammer, John M. Pastoral and Politics in the Old South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996.

Harrington, Norman. Shaping of Religion in America: How early churches in Delaware and on Maryland and Virginia's Eastern Shore provided the most important stimulus for the evolution of Christianity in the New World. Easton, MD: The Queen Anne Press, 1980.

Hein, David. "Harry Lee Doll (1903-1984): Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, 1963-1971." Maryland Historian 27 (nos. 1-2, 1996): 52-61.

"History of North Beach Union Church." Calvert Historian 25 (Spring 2000): 27-31.

Hutchins, Ailene W. "St. Paul's Church Featured in 'Our Infant Zion'." Calvert Historian 25 (Spring 2000): 40-42.

Jensen, Joan M. "'You May Depend She Does Not Eat Much Idle Bread': Mid-Atlantic Farm Women and Their Historians." Agricultural History 61 (1987): 29-46.

Jones, Lynn D. "Crystals and Conjuring in an Annapolis Household." Maryland Archeology 35 (September 1999): 1-8.

Kanely, Edna A., comp. Directory of Maryland Church Records. Silver Spring, MD: Family Line, 1987.

Kaufman, Clemintine Lazaron. "A Rabbi's Daughter Remembers." Generations (Fall 1999): 1-5.

Keller, Allan. "The Catholics in Maryland." Early American Life 9 (1978): 18-21, 78-79.

Lavender, Abraham D. "Studies of Jewish College Students: a Review and a Replication." Jewish Social Studies 39 (1977): 37-52.

Leone, Mark P., and Gladys-Marie Fry. "Conjuring in the Big House Kitchen: an Interpretation of African American Belief Systems Based on the Uses of Archaeology and Folklore Sources." Journal of American Folklore 112 (no. 445, 1999):372-403.

Levine, Neil Ann Stuckey, Ursula Roy, and David J. Rempel Smucker. "The Compleat Americanization of Louis C. Jungerich (1803-1882)." Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 23 (2000): 30-44.

Liebowitz, Steve. "Paradise Lost: A Retrospective of Liberty Road's Jewish Community." Generations (Fall 2000): 23-29.

Lohrenz, Otto. "Parson and Patrons: The Clerical Career of Thomas Johnston of Maryland and Virginia, 1750-1790." Anglican and Episcopal History 58 (1989): 169-195.

Lurie, Maxine N. "Theory and Practice of Religious Toleration in the Seventeenth Century: The Proprietary Colonies as a Case Study." Maryland Historical Magazine 79 (1984): 117-125.

Mariner, Kirk. "William Penn Chandler and Revivalism in the East, 1797-1811." Methodist History 25 (1987): 135-146.

Mason, Lockert B. "Separation and Reunion of the Episcopal Church,1860-1865: The Role of Bishop Thomas Atkinson." Anglican and Episcopal History 59 (1990): 345-365.

May, James W. "Francis Asbury and Thomas White: A Refugee Preacher and his Tory Patron." Methodist History 14 (1976): 141-164.

Meiring, Bernard Julius. Educational Aspects of the Legislation of the Councils of Baltimore, 1829-1884. The American Catholic Tradition. New York: Arno Press, 1978.

Miller, Henry. "Mystery of the Lead Coffins." American History 30 (1995): 46-48, 62-65.

Miller, Rodney K. "The Political Ideology of the Anglican Clergy." Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church 45 (1976): 227-236.

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