University of Maryland Libraries Digital Collections

Murano kodomo / ムラノコドモ

1946-06-2520 pages; B5, 26 cm cm.JapaneseProseJump to full detailsRequest from Special Collections

The contents of this book may be viewed only on the University of Maryland College Park campus
Prange accession # / 請求記号:518-054
Author / 著者:生沢朗
Ikuzawa Akira
Publisher / 発行者:まひる書房
Place of origin – Continent:Asia
Place of origin – Country:Japan
Place of origin – Settlement:Tōkyō
Topical subjects / 主題:Illustrated children's books Japan Allied occupation, 1945-1952
Children's literature, Japanese Japan Allied occupation, 1945-1952
Censorship Japan History Allied occupation, 1945-1952
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Civil Censorship Detachment
Price / 価格:6.5 円
CCD number / その他:2341
オ-488 1474x
Repository / 所蔵:Gordon W. Prange Collection
ゴードン W. プランゲ文庫
Browse terms:Prange Digital Children's Book Collection
Collection / コレクション:Prange Digital Children's Book Collection
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