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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Bidwell, Percy W., and John I. Falconer. History of Agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860. Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution, 1925.
Notes: Mentions Maryland only regarding farming in 1840 and peach orchards, but is useful since so many Pennsylvania Germans settled in Frederick County.

Gills, Christopher C. "Carroll's Mill: A Reminder of Frederick County's Agricultural Heritage." Historical Society of Frederick County, Inc., Newsletter (September 1990): 6-9.

Chase, Henry V. "The Scott-Key Connection." Maryland Medical Journal 45 (October 1996): 859-60.

Cheesman, George. "Frederick County's Forgotten Glassmaker." Maryland 9 (Summer 1977): 27-31.
Notes: John Frederick Amelung.

"Diary of Dr. Joseph L. McWilliams 1868-1875." Chronicles of St. Mary's 25 (January 1977): 2-8; (October 1977): 315-22.

Faust, Page T. "Dr. Walter Hanson Stone Briscoe." Chronicles of St. Mary's 46 (Winter 1998): 339-42.

Garland, Eric. "Puckish Dr. Osler." Johns Hopkins Magazine 36 (June 1985): 35-38.

Gilje, Paul A. "A Sailor Prisoner of War During the War of 1812." Maryland Historical Magazine 85 (Spring 1990): 58-72.

Gordon, Paul. "Carrick's Knob." Historical Society of Frederick County, Inc. Newsletter (May 1989): 4-5.

Guyther, J. Roy. "The Best of Two Worlds." Chronicles of St. Mary's 42 (Fall 1994): 349-51.

Hoffland, Dixie. "Dr. Samuel Mudd." Maryland 20 (Spring 1988): 48-52.

Kalkman, Julia von H. "'Mountevina': The Home of John Frederick Amelung." Historical Society of Frederick County, Inc., Newsletter (November 1991) 3-5.

Keys, Thomas E. "Bookmen in Biology and Medicine I Have Known." Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 30 (1975): 326-348.

Lebherz, Ann. "Elihu Hall Rockwell Left His Name in Frederick." Historical Society of Frederick County, Inc., Newsletter (September 1991): 3-4.

Meyer, Sam. Paradoxes of Fame: The Francis Scott Key Story. Annapolis, MD: Eastwind Publishing, 1995.

Meyer, Sam. "Religion, Patriotism, and Poetry in the Life of Francis Scott Key." Maryland Historical Magazine 84 (1989): 267-74.

Miller, Joseph M. "Vignette of Medical History: the Trimbles of Baltimore." Maryland Medical Journal 44 (January 1995): 47-49.

Miller, Joseph M. "James McHenry, M.D. of Fort McHenry in Baltimore Towne." Maryland Medical Journal 41 (May 1992): 413-15.

Norton, Louis Arthur. Joshua Barney, Hero of the Revolution and 1812. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2000.
Notes: Joshua Barney (1758-1818) was a naval hero in both the American Revolution and the War of 1812. Aside from his military exploits, this patriotic Marylander's life is closely associated with the history of the American flag. Barney is best known for the spirited action of the barge men under his command at the Battle of Bladensburg in 1814. Alone among the Americans at the battle, Barney and his men fought bravely against a superior British force.

Olch, Peter D. "William S. Halsted's New York Period, 1874-1886." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 40 (1966): 495-510.

Quynn, William R., ed. The Diary of Jacob Englebrecht 1818-1878. Frederick: The Historical Society of Frederick County, Inc., 1976.

Rivinus, E. F. "Beanes, Barney, and the Banner." Naval History 13 (May/June 1999): 46-50.

Rose, Lou. "Dr. Thomas Bond of Calvert County. . . ." Calvert Historian 1 (April 1985): 25-29; 2 (April 1986): 22-34.

Shane, Sylvan Myron Elliot. Routes of a Dentist. Baltimore: Lowry & Volz, 1978.
Notes: Memoirs of the Maryland dentist and his journeys.

Shaw, Richard. John Dubois, Founding Father: The Life and Times of the Founder of Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg. Emmitsburg, MD: Mount St. Mary's College, 1983.

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