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Rubbing Testudo's nose for luck, University of Maryland, April 14, 1994. View this item in our digital collections.
Digital Collections
at the University of Maryland Libraries
The Combined Search box find content in the following systems:
Audiovisual Repository – Explore films, oral history, sound recordings, and other A/V media
Image & Text Repository – Access digitized archival documents and photos, and continue to check back as we add newly digitized collections here
Standalone Collection Searches – Discover unique databases and content in separately managed collections
These digital objects represent a small fraction of the unique material available at the University of Maryland Libraries, so contact us to learn more about related material. Search by keyword or browse our collections from the links below. Many digitized objects are not included in designated collections and can only be discovered when searching by keyword or browsing all content.
Collecting Areas

The broadcast archives contain wide-ranging collections documenting the history of both commercial and public broadcasting in the United States. Materials cover the business of radio and television, the histories of corporations and trade organizations, the operations and programming of stations and networks, and the careers of executives, writers, performers, producers and engineers.

Distinctive Collections
Featured and curated collections brought together from across the University of Maryland Libraries. Discover unique images, archival material and more from our STEM Library, Special Collections and beyond.

Includes historical records and personal papers related to labor and social justice movements in America from the late 19th century to today, including a large collection of photographs, audio recordings, video, posters, and artifacts.

Literature and Rare Books
Literature and Rare Book collections include material dating from the 15th century to the present day. Comprising both books and archival materials, these collections span multiple languages, with subjects encompassing the humanities. Collection strengths include literary modernism, fine press printing, and history of the book.

Performing Arts
Here you'll find archival visual and audio materials from UMD Libraries' collections focusing on music, dance, and theatre. Researchers can immerse themselves in recordings of performances, lectures, and interviews or browse through photographs, zines, programs, and other images that help illustrate the history of the performing arts.

Politics and Civic Life
Peek into a window of presidential and political history via presidential pool reports and digitized records and audiovisual materials documenting the political lives and work of Marylanders on the state and national stages.

Postwar Japan
Discover digitized photographs and records documenting the history of postwar Japan via personal archival collections and through the Gordon W. Prange Collection, the most comprehensive archive in the world of Japanese print publications issued between 1945 - 1949, the first four years of the Occupation of Japan.

State of Maryland
We collect a variety of items to support the study of the state of Maryland. Whether interested in historical research or the current state of the state, you can find a multitude of resources to support your needs. Our collections cover a broad range of subjects and are contained within a variety of formats including state documents, literature, cookbooks, maps, newspapers, photography and much more.

University Archives
University Archives is the primary repository for records that capture 150+ years of UMD history and its many facets, including but not limited to: student life; academics; administration; athletics; faculty and staff; buildings and grounds; the arts; and social movements. Researchers can access the papers of former presidents and chancellors, records related to student life, papers of alumni, athletics memorabilia, maps, university publications, oral histories, and more.
Digital Content Available Using External Tools
UMD partners with other organizations to digitize and host digital versions of some of our materials. Explore more digital content through these resources below.

Internet Archive
The UMD, College Park's portal to digitized books at the Internet Archive. Includes textual materials such as University catalogs, yearbooks, and other campus publications; Maryland state documents; and other rare materials.

Chronicling America
The UMD Libraries contribute content to the Historic Maryland Newspapers Project, an ongoing effort to digitize Maryland's newspapers. The digital material produced through this program is accessible using Chronicling America, a searchable database of historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963.

American Archive of Public Broadcasting
The American Archive of Public Broadcasting (AAPB) is a national effort to preserve at-risk public media before its content is lost to posterity and provide a central web portal for access to the unique programming that public stations have aired over the past 70+ years. UMD contributes a great deal of audio and visual material that is available in this vast online database.

The leading web archiving service for collecting and accessing cultural heritage on the web. UMD routinely archives a variety of web content to enhance our unique collections.