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Vice President Spiro Agnew in Gargalianoi, Greece looking at a plaque, October 19, 1971. View this item in our digital collections.
Politics and Civic Life
Collecting Area
Peek into a window of presidential and political history via presidential pool reports and digitized records and audiovisual materials documenting the political lives and work of Marylanders on the state and national stages.
Digital Collections

WHCA Pool Reports Collection
The White House Pool Reports Collection currently contains approximately 1,100 email pool reports written between June 24, 2020 and April 30, 2021.
Item types: text
Standalone collection
Politics and Civic Life (AV Collection)
Consists of nearly one thousand recordings primarily concerning the political career of Spiro T. Agnew.
Item types: audio recordings
Other Resources

Spiro T. Agnew Audio Collection
Hundred of recordings primarily concerning the political career of Spiro T. Agnew. A guide to the full collection is available in our archival collections.