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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Cordts, Jeanne M. "Douglas Love and the Molly Maguires." Journal of the Alleghenies 32 (1996): 97-105.

Coryell, Janet L. Neither Heroine Nor Fool: Anna Ella Carroll of Maryland. Ph.D. diss., College of William and Mary, 1986.

Cripps, Thomas. "A Certain Style: Benjamin Quarles and the Scholarship of the Center." Maryland Historical Magazine 93 (Fall 1998): 288-99.

Crowder, Ralph Leroy. John Edward Bruce and the Value of Knowing the Past: Politician, Journalist, and Self-Trained Historian of the African Diaspora, 1856-1924. Ph.D. diss., University of Kansas, 1994.

Dash, Joan. Summoned to Jerusalem: The Life of Henrietta Szold. New York: Harper and Row, 1979.
Notes: Henrietta Szold (1860-1945) was a social activist whose career began in Baltimore with the founding of a center and night school for recent immigrants from Russia similar to the settlement houses pioneered by Jane Addams. She later founded Hadassah, the Jewish women's organization, and became a leader in the Zionist movement.

Dorsey, James. "Faithful Mammy and Family of J. A. Hunter." Harford Historical Bulletin 46 (Autumn 1990): 75-77.

Dubansky, Mindell. Guess Who Died?: Memories of Baltimore with Recipes. Rosendale, NY: Women's Studio Workshop, 1999.

Earle, W. H. "The Phantom Amendment and the Duchess of Baltimore." American History Illustrated 22 (November 1987): 32-39.
Notes: Jerome Bonaparte's American wife.

Ferguson, Ann M. "Heritage of Another Riversdale Family." Riverdale Town Crier 26 (March 1997): 3.

Frasseto, Claude B. Betsy Bonaparte, ou la Belle de Baltimore. [France]: J.C. Lattes, 1988.

George, Joseph. "'A True Childe of Sorrow': Two Letters of Mary E. Surratt." Maryland Historical Magazine 80 (Winter 1985): 402-405.

Greene, Carroll, Jr. A Chronology of the Life of Benjamin Banneker. Son of Maryland, 1731-1806. Annapolis: Maryland Department of Economic and Community Development, Commission on Afro-American History and Culture, 1976.

Helmes, Winifred G., ed. Notable Maryland Women. Cambridge: Tidewater Publishers, 1977.
Notes: Short profiles of 100 Maryland women who achieved prominence in various fields. Although the focus is on 20th century figures, Maryland women from earlier eras are also featured. A good source for information on many lesser-known Maryland women whose stories have not yet been told. Readers interested in notable women from the early decades of the 20th century may wish to consult Margie H. Luckett's <em>Maryland Women</em> published in three volumes between 1931 and 1942.

Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz. The Power and Passion of M. Carey Thomas. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.

Kravetz, Sallie. Ethel Ennis, the Reluctant Jazz Star: An Illustrated Biography. Baltimore: Gateway Press/Hughes Enterprises, 1984.

Krech, Shepard, III. Praise the Bridge That Carries You Over: The Life of Joseph L. Sutton. Boston: G. K. Hall and Co. (cloth); Cambridge, MD: Chenkman Publishing Co. (paper), 1981.
Notes: Biography of a black resident of Miles River Neck in Talbot County. Based on extensive oral history interviews, this personal narrative by a long-time Talbot County resident offers a unique look at the life of African Americans on the Eastern Shore. Joseph Sutton (1885-1980) led a long and eventful life, and his reminiscences are rich in personal detail. In addition to his own experiences, Sutton's words are a valuable source for understanding the personal impact of racism on African Americans.

Levin, Alexandra Lee. Henrietta Szold: Baltimorean. Baltimore: Jewish Historical Society of Maryland, 1976.

Lewis, Clifford III., ed. "A Relation of a Voyage Made by Mr. Cyprian Thorowgood (from the Patuxent) to the Head of the Baye, April 24-May 5, 1634." Chronicles of St. Mary's 32 (November 1984): 201-207.

McPherson, James A. Crabcakes: A Memoir. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Martin, Ralph G. The Woman He Loved: The Story of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974.

Morgan, Julia Boublitz. "Son of a Slave." Johns Hopkins Magazine 32 (June 1981): 20-26.
Notes: Kelly Miller (b. 1863).

Murphy, Camay C. Can a Coal Scuttle Fly? Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1996.

Murray, Pauli. Song in A Weary Throat: An American Pilgrimage. New York: Harper and Row, 1987.
Notes: Autobiography of a Black activist from Baltimore.

Porter, Frank W. "John Widgeon: Naturalist, Curator and Philosopher." Maryland Historical Magazine 79 (Winter 1984): 325-331.

Preston, Dickson J. Young Frederick Douglass: The Maryland Years. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.
Notes: There are a number of excellent biographies of Frederick Douglass including works by Eric Foner, William McFeeley and Benjamin Quarles. For the student of Maryland history, Preston's short but well-researched book focuses on the first twenty years of Douglass' life spent in Talbot County and Baltimore City. His experiences as a slave in Maryland shaped his subsequent career and thus are critical to understanding one of the greatest spokesmen for human rights.

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