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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Sarson, Steven James. Wealth, Poverty and Labor in the Tobacco Plantation South: Prince George's County, Maryland, in the Early National Era. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1998.

Shank, Christopher. "Wings Over Hagerstown: Experiencing the Second World War in Western Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 88 (Winter 1993): 444-61.
Notes: During World War II the growth of the Fairchild Aircraft Corporation in Hagerstown had a social and economic impact on the community. However, for a variety of reasons the city was not radically changed by this growth. The community was not greatly disrupted. In part, this was because the workers employed by the Corporation were local. There was no large influx of immigrant workers, thus the community did not have to change to meet their needs. Mention is also made of Triumph Industries activities in Elkton.

Shomette, Donald. London Town: A Brief History. Londontown, MD: London Town Public House Commission, Inc., 1978.
Notes: Londontown, located on the South River, was a very early example of successful town planning in Maryland. The community, however, did not have any long term success due to its economic base in the tobacco system.

Smith, Bert. Down the Ocean: Postcards from Maryland and Delaware Beaches. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Notes: Arranged by theme and subject -- famous housing, boardwalk, on the beach, life saving. It presents a vivid picture of life at the shore as interpreted through postcards. Includes some illustration on spots on the way -- diners, bridges, etc. Information on the cards themselves is included and adds to the work's usefulness.

Stone, Mary C. "St. Mary's County Foodways Prior to 1941, and Particularly During the Depression Years of the 1930's." Chronicles of St. Marys 24 (August 1976): 173-83.

Sutton, Stanley B. Beyond the Roadgate: Kent County, 1900-1980. Privately published, 1983.
Notes: This history of twentieth century Kent was compiled by a former Agricultural Extension Officer. Naturally enough, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the agricultural and rural heritage of the County. Pivotal 1980 leaders of the county supply commentary on their areas of expertise.

Truitt, Charles J. Historic Salisbury Updated 1662-1982. Salisbury, MD: Historical Books, Inc., 1982.
Notes: As the author states, this is an "encyclopedic history", almost every conceivable subject is addressed including health care facilities, agribusiness, sports, the Delmarva separatist movements, the slave trade, fires, and so on. It is especially useful in the documentation it presents of the varied twentieth century society.

Weeks, Christopher. "Bouncing Along the Post Road: Eighteenth Century Harford County as Seen by Travelers." Harford Historical Bulletin 57 (Summer 1993): 74-127.
Notes: Annotated excerpts from ten contemporary descriptions of traveling along the post road. The authors include such well known Colonial figures as Dr. Alexander Hamilton, Charles Willson Peale, and Benjamin Henry Latrobe.

Wennersten, Jack. "Behind the Wire: When the Afrika Korps Came to Somerset County." Maryland Magazine 14 (Autumn 1982): 6-7.

Wennersten, John R. Maryland's Eastern Shore: A Journey in Time and Place. Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1992.
Notes: Wennersten's goal is to make the reader understand the distinct society that is the eastern shore through discussion of the area's agricultural life, its race relations, and maritime society. Brief histories are given of some communities and mention made of some influential people.

White, Dan. Crosscurrents in Quiet Water: Portraits of the Chesapeake. Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Co., 1987.
Notes: A photo essay of the changing lives of the Eastern Shore's peoples focusing on watermen, boat builders, environmentalists, and chicken farmers. Special emphasis is placed on Smith Island and Crisfield. Photographs by Jon Naso and Marion Warren.

White, Roger. "Sappington: One of Anne Arundel's Vanished Villages." Anne Arundel County History Notes 22 (April 1991): 13-14.

Wiley, Flora H. "Third Precinct-Fourth District." Harford Historical Bulletin (Winter 1984): 1-12.

Willis, Bob. "Harbor to Shore-And Back Again." Maryland 27 (July/August 1995): 79, 81.

Wilstach, Paul. Tidewater Maryland. Indianapolis, IN: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1931.
Notes: A narrative history of those Maryland counties, all but seven of the twenty-three, touched by saltwater, arranged by theme and locale. There is a great deal of emphasis on the founding of towns and important personages, a wide variety of subjects are covered.

Arabas, Karen Borza. Fire and Vegetation Dynamics in the Eastern Serpentine Barrens. Ph.D. diss., Pennsylvania State University, 1997.

Davis, Lynn. "Garden Roots." Heartland of Del-Mar-Va 11 (Sunshine 1988): 154-67.

DeGast, Robert. Western Wind, Eastern Shore: A Sailing Cruise Around the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.
Notes: De Gast sails a small boat around the entire DelMarVa Peninsula, an interesting voyage with useful observations.

Footner, Hulbert. Rivers of the Eastern Shore. Seventeen Maryland Rivers. New York: Holt Reinhart and Winston, 1944.
Notes: Footner writes mostly stories about history, but he does view Chesapeake river environments from a mid-1940s perspective.

Fusonie, Alan, and Donna Jean. George Washington, Pioneer Farmer. Mount Vernon, VA: Mt. Vernon Ladies Association, 1998.
Notes: Washington's life gives many insights into colonial farming, and he had many contacts among Maryland Agriculturalists.

Heckscher, Christopher M. "Distribution and Habitat Associations of the Eastern Mud Salamander, Pseudotriton montanus, on the Delmarva Peninsula." Maryland Naturalist 39 (January-June 1995): 11-14.

Hulton, Paul. America, 1585: The Complete Drawings of John White. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.
Notes: These are the first "pictures" of this region, accurately depicting marine, terrestrial and avian species, and both Native Americans and sundry of their crafts. They are widely applicable to the nearby Chesapeake Indians and some drawings may directly depict Bay life because John White explored there during his stay.

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