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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Waesche, James F. "Maryland's Museums: The Peale Museum." Maryland Magazine (Winter 1985): 32-7.
Notes: A discussion of the building boom Baltimore's City Life Museums experienced during the 1990s. The Peale, and all the City Life Museums, closed about ten years later. Includes a history of the Peale, in both its manifestations.

Barton, Donald Scott. Divided Houses: The Civil War Party System in the Border States. Ph.D. diss., Texas A&M University, 1991.

Catton, Bruce. "A Southern Artist on the Civil War." American Heritage 9 (1958): 117-120.

Towers, Frank, ed. "Military Waif: A Sidelight on the Baltimore Riot of 19 April 1861." Maryland Historical Magazine 89 (Winter 1994): 427-46.

Henig, Gerald S. Henry Winter Davis: Antebellum and Civil War Congressman from Maryland. New York: Twayne Press, 1973.
Notes: A sympathetic biography of a leading Maryland politician who died in 1866 at the early age of forty-eight. A gifted orator and political writer, and a passionate opponent of the Democratic Party, Davis initially associated with the Whig Party, which was popular in the north but less so in the south, just as it was in the throes of disintegration. He then aligned with the newly formed Know Nothing Party, whose primary appeal was nativism and anti-Catholicism, and was elected to Congress in 1855. He was a leading opponent of the Buchanan administration and an early supporter of Abraham Lincoln. Active in trying to stem the tide of secession and to keep Maryland in the Union, he hoped for a Cabinet position, but Montgomery Blair won the appointment. At odds with his constituents, he was defeated for re-election and his political career appeared to be ended. He became gradually disenchanted with Lincoln's leadership, and, after re-election to Congress as a Unconditional Unionist, he led the effort to reassert Congressional leadership over reconstruction policies. When the President pocket-vetoed the Wade-Davis bill, he issued a highly publicized protest manifesto and actively opposed Lincoln's renomination. During the 1864 campaign, however, he decided that the Democratic candidate, McClellan, was a greater threat, so he campaigned for the Republican ticket. Davis also played a decisive role in the writing and ratification of the Maryland constitution of 1864. Once again his radical position eroded his constituent base and he was not renominated for his Congressional seat.

Ackerman, Eric G. "Economic Means Index: A Measure of Social Status in the Chesapeake, 1690-1815." Historical Archaeology 25 (1991): 26-36.

Gibb, James G., and Julia A. King. "Gender, Activity Areas, and Homelots in the 17th-Century Chesapeake Region." Historical Archaeology 25 (1991): 109-131.
Notes: Using archaeological records and spatial analysis from three Southern Maryland tobacco plantation sites, the authors provide an ethnographic look at life for seventeenth-century Maryland colonists in terms of gender and class roles. The article provides a brief overview of the economics of the Chesapeake region, the structure of living arrangements, and the gendered nature of tasks. The evidence suggests how gendered and class-based activities contributed to both household production and accrued wealth. The authors conclude that comparisons between the three sites provide the basis for understanding how household wealth was a direct corollary of the ability to secure a large work force and to develop a high degree of specialization.

Leone, Mark P., and Paul A. Shackel. "The Georgian Order in Annapolis." Maryland Archeology 26 (March & September 1990): 69-84.

Leone, Mark P. "The Georgian Order as the Order of Merchant Capitalism in Annapolis, Maryland. Edited by Mark P. Leone and Parker B. Potter, Jr." In The Recovery of Meaning: Historical Archaeology in the Eastern United States. Washington, DC: Smithsonian, 1988, 235-61.

Shackel, Paul A. "Modern Discipline: Its Historical Context in the Colonial Chesapeake." Historical Archaeology 26 (no. 3, 1992): 73-84.
Notes: Shackel analyzes dining ware listed in probate records for Annapolis in the eighteenth century to suggest that during times of economic uncertainty the elite purchased products to differentiate itself from the lower classes, while during stable times there was less distinction. The article provides a brief socioeconomic history of the city at the time before presenting an analysis of the development of meaning systems, values, and etiquette attached to dining items. The author makes the case that this kind of examination provides a basis for understanding "the symbolic uses of material culture."

Sorenson, James Delmer. Folk to National Culture in Nineteenth-Century Montgomery County: Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Evidence from a Maryland Piedmont Plantation. Ph.D. diss., American University, 1987.

Jacobs, Charles T. "Civil War Fords and Ferries in Montgomery County." Montgomery County Story 40 (February 1997): 417-28.

Summers, Festus P. The Baltimore and Ohio in the Civil War. New York: Putnam's, 1939.
Notes: The B&amp;O was the Union's most important railroad during the conflict. Summers's book "presents a scholarly, objective, and conscientious approach to the subject in hand with literary execution of unusual excellence," said Maryland historian Matthew Page Andrews in his 1940 <em>Maryland Historical Magazine</em> review.

Addison-Darneille, and Henrietta Stockton. "For Better or For Worse." Civil War Times Illustrated 31 (May/June 1992): 32-35, 73.

Cale, Clyde C., Jr. "Maria Louise Browning: Civil War Heroine." Glades Star 9 (March 1999): 11-13, 39.

Kelbaugh, Jack. "Northern Hospital Nurses: Mary Young and Rose Billings Make the Ultimate Sacrifice in Civil War Annapolis." Anne Arundel County History Notes 25 (January 1994): 5-6, 19.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "An Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Kryder-Reid." Maryland Humanities (July/August 1994): 28-29.

Sarudy, Barbara Wells. "An Interview with Dr. Julia A. King." Maryland Humanities (August/September 1993): 20-21.

Beaudry, Mary C. et al. "A Vessel Typology for Early Chesapeake Ceramics: the Potomac Typological System." Historical Archaeology 17 (1983): 18-43.

Berlin, Ira, Francine C. Cary, Steven F. Miller, and Leslie S. Rowland. "Family and Freedom: Black Families in the American Civil War." History Today [Great Britain] 37 (1987): 8-15.

Bohannon, Keith, ed. "Wounded & Captured at Gettysburg: Reminiscence by Sgt. William Jones, 50th Georgia Infantry." Military Images 9 (1988): 14-15.

Boyd, Charles A. "George Alfred Townsend and the War Correspondents Memorial." Civil War Times Illustrated 16 (1977): 10-13.

Brown, Kent Masterson. "Greenhorns and Honey Bees: The One Hundred and Thirty-Second Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry at Antietam." Lincoln Herald 81 (1979): 202-206.

Browning, Robert M., Jr. From Cape Charles to Cape Fear: The North Atlantic Blockading Squadron during the Civil War. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1993.

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