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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Glaser, Richard. "The Greek Jews in Baltimore." Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976): 321-336.

Globensky, Anne Brigid. At Home in Baltimore: An Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Lumbee Domestic Material Culture. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1999.

Hama, Fumiaki. "Amerika Nanbu No Unga Keiei to Imin Rodosha: 19 Seiki Zenban Chesapiku Ando Ohaio Unga No Baai [Canal management in the American South and immigrant laborers: a case study of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the first half of the 19th century]." Shakai-Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History) [Japan] 54 (1989): 48-78.

Hoffer, Peter Charles, and N.E.H. Hull. "The First American Impeachments." William and Mary Quarterly 35 (1978): 653-667.

Hoffman, Bernard G. "John Clayton's 1687 Account of The Medicinal Practices of The Virginia Indians." Ethnohistory 11 (1964): 1-40.

Jensen, Joan M. "'You May Depend She Does Not Eat Much Idle Bread': Mid-Atlantic Farm Women and Their Historians." Agricultural History 61 (1987): 29-46.

Kassof, Anita. "Maryland's Treasure House: The Jewish Museum and Its Collections." Generations (Fall 2000): 35-43.

Katzenstein, Dorothy Tucker. "Strange Journey: From Lithuania to Baltimore by Way of Argentina." Generations (Fall 2000): 16-19.

Kaufman, Clemintine Lazaron. "A Rabbi's Daughter Remembers." Generations (Fall 1999): 1-5.

Kent, Barry C. Susquehanna's Indians. Anthropological Series, no. 6. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania History and Museum Commission, 1984.

Kessler, Barry. "Chronology: Jewish Museum of Maryland." Generations (Fall 1999): 46-51.

Kinsey, W. Fred, III. "Lancaster Before History Began: Prehistoric Archaeology." Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society 99 (1998): 142-171.

Klein, Michael J., and J. Sanderson Stevens. "Ceramic Attributes and Accokeek Creek Chronology: an Analysis of Sherds from the Falcon's Landing (18PR131) and the Accotink Meander (44FX1908) Sites." North American Archaeologist 17 (1996): 113-141.

Krebs, Friedrich, and Don Yoder, trans., and ed. "New Material on 18th Century Emigration from Wurttemberg." Pennsylvania Folklife 16 (1966/67): 22-23.
Categories: Ethnic History, Other

Lanman, Barry A. "Oral History as an Educational Tool for Teaching Immigration and Black History in American High Schools: Findings and Queries." International Journal of Oral History 8 (1987):122-135.

Lavender, Abraham D. "Jewish College Women: Future Leaders of the Jewish Community?" Journal of Ethnic Studies 5 (1977): 81-90.

Lavender, Abraham D. "Studies of Jewish College Students: a Review and a Replication." Jewish Social Studies 39 (1977): 37-52.

Levine, Neil Ann Stuckey, Ursula Roy, and David J. Rempel Smucker. "The Compleat Americanization of Louis C. Jungerich (1803-1882)." Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 23 (2000): 30-44.

Liebowitz, Steve. "Paradise Lost: A Retrospective of Liberty Road's Jewish Community." Generations (Fall 2000): 23-29.

Long, Amos, Jr. "Pennsylvania Corncribs." Pennsylvania Folklife 14 (1964): 16-23.

Mason, Matthew E. "'The Hands Here Are Disposed to Be Turbulent': Unrest among the Irish Trackmen of the Baltimore And Ohio Railroad, 1829-1851." Labor History 39 (1998): 253-272.

Menard, Russell R. "Was There a 'Middle Colonies Demographic Regime?'" Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 133 (1989): 215-218.

Miller, Shannon. Invested with Meaning: The Raleigh Circle in the New World. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998.

Morawska, Ewa. Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America, 1890-1940. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996.

Mustafa, Sam A. "'Merchant Culture' in Germany and America in the Late-Eighteenth Century." Yearbook of German-American Studies, 34 (1999): 113-32.

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