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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Brock, W. R. "Race and the American Past: a Revolution in Historiography." History [Great Britain] 52 (1967): 49-59.

Brown, C. Christopher. "Maryland's First Political Convention by and for Its Colored People." Maryland Historical Magazine 88 (Fall 1993): 324-36.
Notes: In 1852, forty-one African American delegates formed the first Colored Convention in Baltimore. Given the increasing restrictions on the mobility and employment opportunities available to free blacks since the early 19th century, the convention addressed the possibility of emigration to Liberia. For many black Marylanders, emigration appeared to be the only real political choice left to free blacks in the 1850s. Discussion of colonization before 1852 had been mostly a white concern, although there had been several black colonization societies as well. In the end, however, few Maryland blacks embraced colonization.

Buford, Carolyn Bames. The Distribution of Negroes in Maryland, 1850-1950. M.A. thesis, Catholic University, 1955.

Burkhart, Lynne C. Old Values in a New Town: The Politics of Race and Class in Columbia, Maryland. New York: Praeger, 1981.

Calderhead, William. "How Extensive Was the Border State Slave Trade? A New Look." Civil War History 18 (1972): 42-55.

Calderhead, William. "The Role of the Professional Slave Trader in a Slave Economy: Austin Woolfolk, A Case Study." Civil War History 23 (September 1977): 195-211.

Callcott, Margaret Law. "Inventory of a Maryland Slave Cabin." Riversdale Letter 12 (Spring 1995): 2-4.

Callcott, Margaret Law. The Negro in Maryland Politics, 1870-1912. Ph.D. diss., University of North Carolina, 1967.
Notes: The author examines how Maryland was an exception to the history of disfranchisement following Reconstruction. Black men in Maryland exercised the right to vote with relative freedom. Black voter participation was consistently about equal to that of whites. Maryland therefore provides an opportunity to study black political participation, and the effects of black suffrage on the party system and policies in Maryland during this time.

Callcott, Margaret Law. "Slave and Slave Families at Riversdale." Riversdale Letter 13 (Fall 1996): 2-5.

Callcott, Margaret Law. "Slave Housing at Riversdale." Riversdale Letter 11 (Fall 1994): 2-4.

Campbell, Penelope. Maryland in Africa: The Maryland State Colonization Society, 1831-1857. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971.

Clark, Alex Rees. "Selected Demographic Components of the Non-White Population of Baltimore: A Comment." Middle Atlantic 6 (July 1975): 75-82.
Notes: 1960-70.

Clemens, Paul G.E. The Atlantic Economy and Colonial Maryland's Eastern Shore: From Tobacco to Grain. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980.

Cochran, Matthew D. "Hoodoo's Fire: Interpreting Nineteenth Century African American Material Culture at the Brice House, Annapolis, Maryland." Maryland Archeology 35 (March 1999): 25-33.

Contee, Clarence G. The American Negro as Portrayed by the Baltimore Sun: 1901-1904. M.A. thesis, Howard University, 1953.

Cornelison, Alice. "History of Blacks in Howard County, Maryland." Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society 10 (Summer-Fall 1989): 117-19.

Cornelison, Alice, Silas E. Craft, Sr., and Lillie Price. History of Blacks in Howard County, Maryland: Oral History, Schooling and Contemporary Issues. Columbia, MD: Howard County, Maryland NAACP, 1986.

Daniels, Christine Marie. Alternative Workers in a Slave Economy, Kent County, Maryland, 1675-1810. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1990.

Davidson, Thomas E. "Free Blacks in Old Somerset County, 1745-1755." Maryland Historical Magazine 80 (Summer 1985): 151-156.
Notes: County court records of Somerset County, Maryland during the eighteenth century are particularly complete, allowing for detailed studies of the county's population during that period. The author contributes to the scholarship which, up until 1985, focused primarily on the origins of black culture on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in the seventeenth century. The author also adds to the growing scholarship on free blacks in this region, which tended to also focus on the seventeenth century. In addition to examining court records to determine the numbers of free Negroes and mulattoes, the author also attempts to determine how members of these populations obtained their free status, that is, through manumission or the as the result of being children of free mothers (free-born).

Della, M. Ray, Jr. "An Analysis of Baltimore's Population in the 1850's." Maryland Historical Magazine 68 (1973): 20-35.

Demissie, E. "A History of Black Farm Operators in Maryland." Agriculture and Human Values 9 (Winter 1992): 22-30.

Dessaint, A. Y. "Black Culture in Early 20th-Century Calvert County." Calvert County Historical Society News and Notes 2 (October 1983): 10-19.

Diggs, Louis S. In Our Voices: A Folk History in Legacy. Baltimore: Uptown Press, 1998.

Diggs, Louis S. Since the Beginning: African American Communities in Towson. Baltimore: Uptown Press, 2000.
Notes: East Towson, Sandy Bottom, Lutherville, Schwartz Avenue.

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