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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Morsberger, Robert E. "Was Shakespeare's Son Lieutenant Governor of Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 86 (Spring 1991): 51-56.

Moser, Liz Kohn. "Growing Up in Two Families: My Two Families: Home and Hochschild, Kohn & Co." Generations (Fall 1998): 8-11.

National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Maryland. Adventurers, Cavaliers, Patriots: Ancestors Remembered. Leonardtown, MD: St. Mary's County Historical Society, 1994.

Olschansky, Al. "Baltimore City in its Heyday: As I Knew it in the 1930s when I was Growing Up." Generations 8 (Spring 1988): 10-12.

Price, Jacob M. Perry of London-A Family and a Firm on the Seaborne Frontier, 1615-1753. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992.

Rechcigi, Miloslav, Jr. "Augustine Herman Bohemiensis." Kosmas 3 (Issue 1 1984): 139-48.

Reveal, James L. "Hugh Jones (1671-1702)--Calvert County Naturalist." Calvert Historian 1 (October 1984): 1-11.

Rose, Lou, and Michael Marti. Arthur Storer of Lincolnshire, England and Calvert County, Maryland. Prince Frederick, MD: Calvert County Historical Society, 1984.

Rosenswaike, Ira. "Simon M. Levy: West Point Graduate." American Jewish Historical Quarterly 61 (1971): 69-73.

Sioussat, Anne Leakin. "Lionel Copley, First Royal Governor of Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 18 (1922): 163-77.

Sledge, Ed. "The Odyssey of Gov. Thomas Johnson's Grandfather." Calvert Historian 6 (Spring/Fall 1991): 20-23.

Small, Clara Louise. Three Generations of the Ennis Family: A Demographic Study on the Lower Eastern Shore. Ph.D. diss., University of Delaware, 1990.

Smith, Dee. "The First Lord of Bohemia Manor." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 7 (September 1977): 18-20.
Notes: Augustine Herman (b. 1608).

Sollins, Helen Burman. "Eleanor Septima Cohen." Generations 5 (June 1984): 19-27.

Solomon Nunes Carvalho: Painter, Photographer and Prophet in Nineteenth Century America. Baltimore: Jewish Historical Society of Maryland, 1989.

Sparrow, Margaret W. "The Sparrows of Sparrow's Point." Maryland Historical Magazine 85 (Winter 1990): 395-403.

Webb, Stephen S. "The Strange Career of Francis Nicholson." William and Mary Quarterly 23 (1966): 513-548.

Zseleczky, James Waters. "Anne Mynne of Hertingfordbury, Wife of George Calvert, First Lord Baltimore (1579-1622)." Chronicles of St. Mary's 22 (September 1974): 397-99.

Alpert, Jonathan L. "The Origin of Slavery in the United States: The Maryland Precedent." American Journal of Legal History 14 (1970): 189-222.
Notes: Maryland was the "first province in English North America to recognize slavery as a matter of law" (189). Therefore, the study of Maryland is useful for historians studying how American slavery was a product of the law. Early legislation recognized the existence of slavery, for while indentured servitude and slavery co-existed, and the terms were used interchangeably, the law still distinguished between the two. "All slaves were servants but not all servants were slaves" (193). However, it wasn't until 1664 when a statue was created which established slavery as hereditary. This statute was the first law in English North American to thus establish this type of slavery, legalizing what had been de facto since 1639. The author concludes that laws reflect the attitudes of a society and the manner in which societal problems are resolved. In the case of Maryland, servant problems could be avoided by replacing indentured servitude with perpetual slavery.

Ballard, Barbara Jean. Nineteenth-Century Theories of Race, the Concept of Correspondences, and the Images of Blacks in the Anti-slavery Writings of Douglass, Stow, and Browne. Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1992.

Barnett, Todd Harold. The Evolution of 'North' and 'South:' Settlement and Slavery on America's Sectional Border, 1650-1810. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1993.

Berlin, Ira. Many Thousands Gone: The First Two Centuries of Slavery in North America. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998.

Cornelison, Alice, Silas E. Craft, Sr., and Lillie Price. History of Blacks in Howard County, Maryland: Oral History, Schooling and Contemporary Issues. Columbia, MD: Howard County, Maryland NAACP, 1986.

Craven, Wesley Frank. White, Red, and Black: The Seventeenth-Century Virginian. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1971.
Notes: Remains the standard multi-cultural work for the 17th century.

David, Jonathan. "The Sermon and the Shout: A History of the Singing and Praying Bands of Maryland and Delaware." Southern Folklore Quarterly 51, no. 3 (1994): 241-63.

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