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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Key, Betty McKeever, comp. Oral History in Maryland: A Directory. Edited by Larry E. Sullivan. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1981.
Notes: Although it is very outdated, this directory should serve be the starting point for anyone attempting to locate oral history collections relevant to Maryland. Collections surveyed were not only in institutional hands (schools, libraries, and historical agencies) but also belonged to governmental agencies and private individuals. Included are DC and PA collections of potential interest.

Lamberg, Lynne. "Preserving the Life of a Lab." Johns Hopkins Magazine 49 (November 1997): 34-35.
Notes: A discussion of the specialized collection of the Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.

McCall, Nancy, and Harold Kanarek. "The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 56 (Spring 1982): 88-92.

McCall, Nancy, and Lisa A. Mix. "Scholarly Returns: Patterns of Research in a Medical Archives." Archivaria 41 (Spring 1996): 158-87.

McCauley, Lois B. Maryland Historical Prints, 1752 to 1889: A Selection from the Robert G. Merrick Collection Maryland Historical Society and Other Maryland Collections. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1975.
Notes: McCauley's is the major reference point for anyone researching Maryland prints. It is well illustrated, with descriptive text. This is as close as one comes to a union catalog for Maryland prints. This work should also be of interest to anyone seeking pre-photographic images of Maryland sites, as well as to map historians.

Mannix, Mary. "Preliminary Survey of the Cartographic Records of Howard County, Maryland." The Portolan: Washington Map Society 36 (Summer 1996): 9-20.

"Mapping Maryland: The Willard Hackerman Collection." MHS/News (July-September 1998): 4.

Maryland State Planning Commission. Gazetteer of Maryland. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1941.
Notes: Perhaps the most thorough of all the geographic dictionaries, if you trying to identify a place in Maryland you will most likely find it in this Gazetteer.

Maryland Statistical Abstract. Annapolis: Department of Economic Development, 1967-.
Notes: This source provides data on nearly every aspect of Maryland and the live's of its citizens.

Miller, Joseph M. "The Library of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland." Maryland Medical Journal 42 (February 1993): 196-97.

Pyatt, Timothy, and Lisa Perry. Maps of Maryland: A Guide to the Map Collection of the Marylandia & Rare Books Department, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland College Park. College Park, MD: Maryland & Rare Books Dept., 1993.

Runion, Carol. "BMI's Traveling Industrial Hygiene Exhibit Debuts in Kansas City." Nuts and Bolts 13 (Summer 1995): [5].

Sanford, Elizabeth G. "The Medical and Chirurigical Faculty of Maryland Library, 1830-1975." Maryland State Medical Journal 24 (June 1975): 35-40.

Schullian, Dorothy M., and Frank B. Rogers. "The National Library of Medicine." The Library Quarterly 27 (January 1958): 1-17; (April 1958): 95-121.

The State Gazetteer and Merchants and Farmers Directory for Maryland and District of Columbia. Baltimore, MD: Sadler, Drysdale, & Purnell, 1871.

Steiner, Bruce C. "Descriptions of Maryland." Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science 22 (1904).

Stevenson, Lloyd G. "The Blake Era at HMD." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 56 (Winter 1982): 455-459.
Notes: Study of Medicine Division of National Library of Medicine from 1961-1982.

"Worcester County Library, Snow Hill: Opening/Dedication of William D. Pitts Collection , Maryland Land Surveys, 1677-1982, 23 October 1987." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist 28 (1987): 123-124.

Formwalt, Lee W. "A Conversation Between Two Rivers: A Debate on the Location of the U.S. Capital in Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Fall 1976): 310-21.

Greatman, Bonnie M. A Dialect Atlas of Maryland. Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1970.

Park, Roberta J. "Edward M. Hartwell and Physical Training at The Johns Hopkins University." Journal of Sports History 14 (Spring 1987): 108-119.

Popoli, G., S. Sobelman, and N. F. Fox. "Suicide in the State of Maryland, 1970-80." Public Health Reports 104 (May/June 1989): 298-301.

Preston, Robert M. "The Great Fire of Emmitsburg, Maryland: Does a Catastrophic Event Cause Mobility?" Maryland Historical Magazine 77 (Summer 1982): 172-82.

Allen, Bob. "U.S. Route 40 in Maryland." Maryland 24 (Winter 1991): 38-43.

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