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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

High, Mike. The C&O Canal Companion. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Notes: A practical guide with good maps and interesting historical commentary.

A History of Road Building in Maryland. Baltimore: State Roads Commission of Maryland, 1958.
Notes: A good summary with many interesting references.

Jacobs, David, and Anthony E. Neville. Bridges, Canals, and Tunnels; the Engineering Conquest of North America. New York: American Heritage, 1968.
Notes: This readable general discussion of the subject with fine illustrations includes material on Maryland. Robert M. Vogel, former curator of mechanical and civil engineering at the Smithsonian Institution was the consultant.

LeViness, Charles T. History of Road Building in Maryland. Baltimore: Maryland State Roads Commission, 1958.

McGrain, John. "Roads to Philadelphia." Nuts and Bolts 14 (Spring 1996): [7-9].

McGrain, John. Roads to Philadelphia: Historic Background, Philadelphia Roads Study. Towson, MD: Baltimore County Office of Planning and Zoning, 1990.

Seldon, W. Lynn. Country Roads of Maryland and Delaware. Castine, ME: Country Roads Press, 1994.

Tanner, H. S. A Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of the United States, Comprehending Notices of All The Works of Internal Improvement Throughout the Several States. New York: T. R. Tanner and J.D. Disturnell, 1840.
Notes: Maryland is included in this state-by-state compilation of early American internal improvements.

Adolf, Leonard A. "Squanto's Role in Pilgrim Diplomacy." Ethnohistory 11 (1964): 247-261.

Bridenbaugh, Carl. "The Old and New Societies of the Delaware Valley In the Seventeenth Century." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 100 (1976): 143-172.

Burton, Arthur G., and Richard W. Stephenson. "John Ballendine's Eighteenth-century Map of Virginia." Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 21 (1964): 172-178.

Cowin, Verna L. "Cannel Coal Pendants: Types and Distribution." North American Archaeologist 20 (no. 3, 1999): 239-262.

Ecenbarger, William. Walkin' the Line: A Journey from Past to Present. New York: M. Evans, 2000.

Ellenberg, George B. "An Uncivil War of Words: Indian Removal in the Press." Atlanta History 33 (1989): 48-59.

Ewers, John C. "'Chiefs from the Missouri and Mississippi' and Peale's Silhouettes of 1806." Smithsonian Journal of History 1 (1966): 1-26.

Fausz, J. Frederick. "Profits, Pelts, and Power: English Culture in the Early Chesapeake, 1620-1652." Maryland Historian 14 (1983): 14-30.

Glassie, Henry. "The Pennsylvania Barn in the South. Part I." Pennsylvania Folklife 15 (1965/66): 8-19.

Globensky, Anne Brigid. At Home in Baltimore: An Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Lumbee Domestic Material Culture. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1999.

Grant, John A. "Searching for Six Monuments." Glades Star 9 (June 2000): 232-40.

Guyther, Roy. "What's in a Name: How the Towns, Villages and Crossroads of St. Mary's County Got Their Names." Chronicles of St. Mary's 48 (Spring 2000): 11-15.

Harvey, Miles. The Island of Lost Maps: A True Story of Cartographic Crime. New York: Random House, 2000.

Hoffman, Bernard G. "John Clayton's 1687 Account of The Medicinal Practices of The Virginia Indians." Ethnohistory 11 (1964): 1-40.

Jennings, Francis. "The Indian Trade of the Susquehanna Valley." Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 110 (1966): 406-424.

Kansky, Karel J. "Augustine Herman: the Leading Cartographer of the Seventeenth Century." Maryland Historical Magazine 73 (1978): 352-359.

Kent, Barry C. Susquehanna's Indians. Anthropological Series, no. 6. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania History and Museum Commission, 1984.

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