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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Johnson, Whittington B. "The Origin and Nature of African Slavery in Seventeenth-Century Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 73 (September 1978): 236-45.

Jordan, William George. 'Getting America Told:' The Black Press and its Dialogue with White America, 1914-1919. Ph.D. diss., University of New Hampshire, 1996.

Jordan, Winthrop. White Over Black: American Attitudes toward the Negro, 1550-1812. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1968.

Kent, George Robert. The Negro in Politics in Dorchester County, Maryland, 1920-1960. M.A. thesis, University of Maryland, 1961.

Kohn, Howard. We Had A Dream: A Tale of the Struggles for Integration in America. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Krefetz, Sharon Perlman. Urban Politics and Public Welfare: Baltimore and San Fransisco. Ph.D. diss., Brandeis University, 1976.

Kulikoff, Allan. "The Beginnings of the Afro-American Family in Maryland." In Law, Society, and Politics in Early Maryland. Edited by Aubrey C. Land, Lois Green Carr, and Edward C. Papenfuse, 171-96. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977.

Kutler, Stanley I., ed. The Dred Scott Case: Law or Politics? Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1967.

Kwalwasser, Harold, et al. Reasons to Be Proud: The Major Accomplishments of Kurt L. Schmoke as Mayor of Baltimore. Baltimore: The Kurt Schmoke Committee, 1995.

Lampe, Gregory Paul. Frederick Douglass: Freedom's Voice, 1818-1845. Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995.

Levine, Robert S. "'Uncle Tom's Cabin' in 'Frederick Douglass' Paper: An Analysis of Reception." American Literature 64 (March 1992): 71-93.

Levy, Peter B. "The Civil Rights Movement in Cambridge, Maryland, during the 1960s." Viet Nam Generation 6, nos. 3-4 (1995): 96-107.

Lofton, John. "Enslavement of the Southern Mind: 1775-1825." Journal of Negro History 43 (1958): 132-139.

McConnell, Roland C. "Frederick Douglass--Invincible Freedom Fighter--And the Opening of the Douglass Institute." Maryland Pendulum (Summer 1991): 3-4.

McElvey, Kay Najiyyah. Early Black Dorchester, 1776-1870: A History of the Struggle of African-Americans in Dorchester County, Maryland, to be Free to Make Their Own Choices. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland at College Park, 1991.
Notes: The author examines selected events relating to Dorchester County's black population between 1776 and 1870 and their struggle to make their own political, economic, religious, and educational choices. The author also focuses on the enslaved and free leaders who led the fight for self-determination. The author hopes that her text will be used in high school classrooms as a local history of black Dorchester County.

McEwen, Phyllis. "Zora Neale Hurston: Genius of the South." Maryland Humanities (Fall 1997): 7-12.

McGuiun, Henry J. The Courts and the Changing Status of Negroes in Maryland. Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1940.

Martin, Waldo E. The Mind of Frederick Douglass. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1984.

Maxwell, Barry. "Frederick Douglass's Haven-Finding Art." Arizona Quarterly 48 (Winter 1992): 47-73.

Meier, August. "Benjamin Quarles and the Historiography of Black America." Civil War History 26 (June 1980): 101-16.

Meier, August. "Frederick Douglass's Vision for America: A Case Study in Nineteenth-Century Negro Protest." In Along the Color Line: Explorations in the Black Experience, edited by August Meier and Elliot Rudwick, 4-27. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1976.

Meier, August. A White Scholar and the Black Community, 1945-1965: Essays and Reflections. Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1992.

Meisenhelder. "Conflict and Resistance in Zora Neale Hurston's 'Mules and Men.'" Journal of American Folklore 109 (Summer 1996): 267-88.

Mfume, Kweisi. No Free Ride: From the Mean Streets to the Mainstream. New York: Ballantine Books, 1996.

Miller, M. Sammy. "Patty Cannon: Murderer and Kidnapper of Free Blacks: A Review of the Evidence." Maryland Historical Magazine 72 (Fall 1977): 419-23.

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