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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

"MHS Announces Acquisition of Medical Manuscripts from MedChi." MHS/News (April-June 2000): 12.

Moreno, Jonathan D. "Lessons Learned: A Half-Century of Experimenting on Humans." The Humanist 59 (September/October 1999): 9-15.

Neumark, Yehuda, Michelle L. Van Etten, and James C. Anthony. "'Drug Dependence' and Death: Survival Analysis of the Baltimore ECA Sample from 1981 to 1995." Substance Use & Misuse 2000 35 (no. 3): 313-27.

Obasanjo, Olugbenga Olufemi. The Geographic Epidemiology of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Disease in Baltimore, 1971-1995. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1999.

Otott, George E. "Clash in the Cornfield: the 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry in the Maryland Campaign." Civil War Regiments 5 (1996): 73-123.

Phelps, Walter, Jr., and Tom Clemens, ed. "A Brigade Commander's First Fight: the Letters of Colonel Walter Phelps, Jr. During the Maryland Campaign." Civil War Regiments 5 (1996): 59-72.

Raskin, Susan. "The 'Father' of Modern Genetic Mapping." Maryland Medicine 1 (Autumn 2000): 12-14.
Categories: Medicine, Other

Robbins, Peggy. "'I Am Ashamed of My Conduct': Dr. Samuel Mudd's Attempt to Escape from Fort Jefferson." Civil War Times Illustrated 16 (1978): 10-16.

Shaner, Richard H. "Distillation and Distilleries Among the Dutch." Pennsylvania Folklife 13 (1963): 39-42.

Swann, John P. "Manuscript Resources in the History of Chemistry at the National Library of Medicine." Annals of Science [Great Britain] 46 (1989): 249-262.

Tucker, Phillip Thomas. Burnside's Bridge: The Climatic Struggle of the 2nd and 20th Georgia at Antietam Creek. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000.

Votaw, John F. "Old Battlefields and Their Lessons: the Case of Antietam." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 21 (1996):16-21.

Wall, Barbra Mann. "Called to a Mission of Charity: the Sisters of St. Joseph in the Civil War." Nursing History Review 6 (1998): 85-113.

Whitlock, Robert T. "The Agues and 'Seasoning': Malaria in the Chesapeake and Early America." Weather Gauge 36 (Spring 2000): 24-29.
Categories: Medicine, Other

Worthington, W. Curtis, Jr. "Confederate Surgeon: the Letters of Thomas Smith Waring, a South Carolina Planter-Physician at War." Journal of Confederate History 2 (1989): 55-92.

"Benjamin Baker, Med '27: One Hundred Years Later, 'Here I Am'." Johns Hopkins Magazine, 54 (April 2002): 62-63.

May, Melinda Belle. In Search of Educational Leadership: A Case Study of the Founding and Transitional Presidents' Leadership of the Educational Program at Hagerstown Junior-Community College. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2001.

Aldrich, Mark. "Train Wrecks to Typhoid Fever: The Development of Railroad Medicine Organizations, 1850 to World War I." Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 75 (no. 2,2001): 254-89.

Earp, Charles Albert. Yellow Flag: The Civil War Journal of Surgeon's Steward C. Marion Dodson. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 2002.

Gough, Al. "St. Mary's Hospital Celebrates 90th Year." Chronicles of St. Mary's, 50 ( Summer2002): 209.

Guyther, J. Roy. "Beginning of Our Hospital." Chronicles of St. Mary's, 50 (Winter 2002):266-71.

Reimer, Terry. "'Poisonous Techniques and Dressing'." North & South, 5 (December 2001): 66-75.
Categories: Medicine

Roberts, Samuel Kelton. Infectious Fear: Tuberculosis, Public Health, and the Logic of Race and Illness in Baltimore, Maryland, 1880-1930. Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 2002.

Slawson, Robert G. "Medical Training in the United States in the Pre-Civil War Era: The Formation of Medical Schools." Maryland Medicine, 3 (Summer 2002): 47-48, 57.
Categories: Medicine

Stupski, Karen Benay. Waste, Wealth and Public Health: Recycling Human Excrement in the New England and Mid-Atlantic States, 1820-1900. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 2002.

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