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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Green, Robert L., and Bradley R. Carl. "A Reform for Troubled Times: Takeovers of Urban Schools." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 569 (2000): 56-70.

Greenwalt, Mary Burgner. "War Correspondents' Memorial: Gathland State Park Washington County, Maryland." Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine 12 (1978): 408-410.

Gregory, Donald Dean. Compliance in Three Cities: The Impact of Freedman v. Maryland. Ph.D. diss., Southern Illinois University, 1977.

Grimsley, Mark. "The Definition of Disaster." Civil War Times Illustrated 28 (1989): 14-21.

Guest, Geoffrey. "The Boarding of the Dependent Poor in Colonial America." Social Service Review 63 (1989): 92-112.

Gutheim, Frederick. The Potomac. Reprint ed. New York: Rinehart, 1949; reprint, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.

Guttman, Sondra. "The Great Race." Baltimore 93 (May 2000): 70-77.

Guy, Anne Walsh. "One Priceless Hour." Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine 110 (1976): 1124-1126.

Guy, J. S. "Federal Naval Operations 1861-65." Chronicles of St. Mary's 48 (2000): 18-26; 56-66; 74-81.

Guyther, J. Roy. Memoirs of a Country Doctor: St. Mary's County Patients are Special Folks. Mechanicsville, MD: J. Roy Guyther, 1999.

Guyther, Roy. "What's in a Name: How the Towns, Villages and Crossroads of St. Mary's County Got Their Names." Chronicles of St. Mary's 48 (Spring 2000): 11-15.

Hall, Clark B. "The Battle of Brandy Station." Civil War Times Illustrated 29 (1990): 32-42, 45.

Hall, James O. "Butler Takes Baltimore." Civil War Times Illustrated 17 (1978): 4-10, 44-46.

Hallas, James Henry. "The Search for John Paul Jones." American History 32 (1997): 28-34, 58, 60-61.

Halper, Lee. "Highland's Inimitable Disney Sisters." Legacy 20 (Fall 2000): 1, 5.
Categories: Women, Other

Hama, Fumiaki. "Amerika Nanbu No Unga Keiei to Imin Rodosha: 19 Seiki Zenban Chesapiku Ando Ohaio Unga No Baai [Canal management in the American South and immigrant laborers: a case study of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the first half of the 19th century]." Shakai-Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History) [Japan] 54 (1989): 48-78.

Hamilton, Alexander. The History of the Ancient and Honorable Tuesday Club. Robert Micklus, ed. 3 vol. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990.

Hamilton, Sharon. The Smart Set Magazine and the Popularization of American Modernism, 1908-1920. Ph.D. diss., Dalhousie University (Canada), 1999.

Hammersla, Carter Lee. Influences on the Development of Maryland House Bill 378 of 1967 Legislature. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1988.

Hammett, Regina Combs. History of St. Mary's County, Maryland. Ridge, MD: Published by the author, 1977.

Hammett, Regina Combs. "Western Branch School." Chronicles of St. Mary's 48 (Fall 2000): 45-55.

Handler, Edward, and Ralph Z. Sorenson. "Management Education and the Liberal Arts at Babson College." Liberal Education 65 (1979): 206-216.

Hanks, Douglas, III. "Class Act." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 30 (May 2000): 66-71, 104-6.
Categories: Maritime, Other

Hanson, Susan Atherton. Home Sweet Home: Industrialization's Impact on Rural Households, 1865-1925. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1986.

Hardy, Stephen Gregg. Trade and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth-century Chesapeake. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1999.

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