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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Towers, Frank. "Job Busting at Baltimore Shipyards: Racial Violence in the Civil War-era South." Journal of Southern History 66 (May 2000): 221-56.

Townsend, Camilla. Tales of Two Cities: Race and Economic Culture in Early Republican North and South America. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000.

Treckel, Paula A. To Comfort the Heart: Women in Seventeenth Century America. American Women, 1600-1900. New York: Twayne, 1996.

Trindill, Roger T. "Transportation Development and Hinterland Piracy: An Example from Colonial North America." Journal of Transport History [Great Britain] 7 (1966): 203-217.

Trombold, John. "The Minstrel Show Goes to the Great War: Zora Neale Hurston's Mass Cultural Other." Melus 24 (Spring 1999): 85-107.

Tucker, Phillip Thomas. Burnside's Bridge: The Climatic Struggle of the 2nd and 20th Georgia at Antietam Creek. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000.

Tucker, S. W. "Racial Discrimination in Jury Selection in Virginia." Virginia Law Review 52 (1966): 736-750.

Turkos, Anne S. K., and Jeff Korman, comps. "Maryland History Bibliography, 1999: A Selected List." Maryland Historical Magazine 95 (Summer 2000): 210-228.

Turner, William H. East of the Chesapeake. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.

Tyler, Lloyd Stengle, III. The Blue Crab Industry of the Chesapeake Bay: Technological Developments from 1873-1983. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland 1983.

Valentine, Peggy Ann. Living in Franklin Square: An Exploration of Black Culture. Ph.D. diss., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987.

Valliant, Doris. "Not That Far From Art." Chesapeake Life 5 (November/December 2000): 60-67.

Valliant, Joe. "Chesapeake Bay Log Canoes." Sea History 32 (1984): 10-11.

van Riemsdijk, Tatiana Ilona Maria. Time and Property from Heaven: Wealth, Religion and Reform in Chesapeake Society, 1790-1832. Ph.D. diss., University of California, San Diego, 1999.

Varga, Nicholas. "America's Patron Saint: Tammany." Journal of American Culture 10 (1987): 45-51.

Vaughan, Alden T. "[The American Dream of Captain John Smith]." Early American Literature 28 (1993): 177-179.

Versteegh, Pien. "'The Ties That Bind': The Role of Family and Ethnic Networks in the Settlement of Polish Migrants in Pennsylvania, 1890-1940." History of the Family 5 (2000): 111-148.

Vivian, Margaret Enloe. "Tilghman Packing Company and the Transformation of Landscape on Avalon Island." Weather Gauge 36 (Spring 2000): 12-23, 34.

Vogel, Katharine. "The George Meany Memorial Archives." Labor History 31 (1990): 117-123.

Votaw, John F. "Old Battlefields and Their Lessons: the Case of Antietam." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 21 (1996):16-21.

"Wable-Augustine Tavern." Glades Star 9 (September 2000): 271-72.

Wada, Mitsuhiro. "Nanbu Shokuminchi Ni Okeru Tobo Dorei: Shinbun Kokoku No Keiryo Bunseki [Runaway slaves in the southern colonies: a quantitative analysis of runaway slave advertisements in newspapers]." Shakai-Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History) [Japan] 56 (1990): 62-76.

Wadlington, Walter. "The Loving Case: Virginia's Anti-Miscegenation Statute in Historical Perspective." Virginia Law Review 52 (1966): 1189-1223.

Wainwright, Nicholas B. "Mason and Dixon's Map." Princeton University Library Chronicle 45 (1983): 28-32.

Walker, Joseph E., ed. "Plowshares and Pruning Hooks for the Miami and Potawatomi: The Journal of Gerald T. Hopkins, 1804." Ohio History 88 (1979): 361-407.

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