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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Battaglia, Lynne A., ed. Finding Justice: A History of Women Lawyers in Maryland since 1642. Staunton, VA: George F. Thompson Publishing, 2015.

Pratt-Harris, Natasha C., et al. "Police-involved Homicide of Unarmed Black Males: Observations by Black Scholars in the Midst of the April 2015 Baltimore Uprising." Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26 (April-June 2016): 377-89.

Salmon, Barrington M. "Justice Remains Elusive in Freddie Gray Case." The Final Call, 35 (July 5, 2016): 7, 33.

Salmon, Barrington M. "More disappointment in Baltimore as third officer acquitted in death of Freddie Gray." The Final Call, 35 (August 2, 2016): 7, 16.

Salmon, Barrington M. "Second Officer in Freddie Gray Case Found Not Guilty." The Final Call, 35 (May 31, 2016): 4, 35.

Salmon, Barrington M. "Unfinished Justice in Baltimore." The Final Call, 35 (January 12, 2016): 16, 34.

Shird, Kevin. Uprising in the City: Made in America. N.p.: Published by the author, 2016.

Eck, Christopher R. Southern Maryland's Historic Landmarks. Images of America. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2016.

Anderson, Patricia Dockman. "Maryland History in Print, 1844-2016." MdHS News, (Winter 2016): 10-14.

Easterling, Keith W., Karin A. Mack, and Christopher M. Jones. "Location of fatal prescription opioid-related deaths in 12 states, 2008-2010: Implications for prevention programs." Journal of Safety Research, 58 (September 2016): 105-9.

Jones, Miranda R., Corinne E. Joshu, and Norma Kanarek, et al. "Cigarette Smoking and Prostate Cancer Mortality in Four US States, 1999-2010." Preventing Chronic Disease, 13 (April 2016): E51.

Klevens, R. Monina, Sherry Everett Jones, and John W. Ward, et al. "Trends in Injection Drug Use among High School Students, US, 1995-2013." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50 (January 2016): 40-46.

Pearl, Susan. Prince George's Philharmonic, 1965-2015: A History. Brentwood, MD: Train Printing, 2015.

Cook, Samuel R. "Indians of Southern Maryland." American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 40 (special issue, 2016): 214-16.

Babcock, Jason. "Prohibition in Southern Maryland 1876-1934." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Fall 2016): 23-26.

Stanley, Jennifer L., Alexandria V. Jansoon, and Adebola A. Akinyemi, et al. "Characteristics of Violent Deaths among Homeless People in Maryland, 2003-2011." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 51 (November 2016): S260-66.

Lavoie, Marie-Claude. The Effects of the 2011 Maryland Alcohol Sales Tax Increase on Alcohol-Impaired Drivers Involved in Fatal and Non-Fatal Crashes. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 2016.

Rodriguez, Anthony Bayani. "Former Black Panther Marshall Eddie Conway on Revolutionary Political Education in the Twenty-First Century." Journal of African American Studies, 21 (March 2017): 138-49.

Talberth, John, and Michael Weisdorf. "Genuine Progress Indicator 2.0: Pilot Accounts for the US, Maryland, and City of Baltimore 2012-2014." Ecological Economics, 142 (December 2017): 1-11.

Krezmien, M.P., J.C. Travers, and K. Camacho. "Suspension rates of students with autism or intellectual disabilities in Maryland from 2004 to 2015." Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61 (November 2017): 1011-20.

Groberg, Flo, and Tom Sileo. 8 Seconds of Courage: A Soldier's Story from Immigrant to the Medal of Honor. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2017.

Johnson, Brian C. "Baltimore 2015, Black Lives Matter and the Prescience of Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing." Film International, 15 (March 2017): 23-36.

Hoyt, Michael. "How Holy Face Parish in Southern Maryland Got Its Name." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Fall 2015): 20-24.

Frazier, Leroy, Jr., LaVonne Ortega, and Nimeshkumar Patel, et al. "Methods and Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System for Identifying Gang-Like Homicides, 2005-2008." Journal of the National Medical Association, 109 (Winter 2017): 272-78.

Lavoie, Marie-Claude, Patricia Langenberg, and Andres Villaveces, et al. "Effect of Maryland's 2011 Alcohol Sales Tax Increase on Alcohol-Positive Driving." American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 53 (July 2017): 17-24.

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