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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Demczuk, Bernard. Unionville: Race, Time, Place and Memory in Talbot County, Maryland, 1634-1892. Ph.D. diss., George Washington University, 2008.

Custer, Jay F., and Keith R. Doms. "Analysis of Surface Collections from the Oxford Site (18TA3), Talbot Couty, Maryland." Maryland Archeology, 20 (March 1984): 11-16.

Leonard, R. Bernice. Bound to Serve: The Indentured Children in Talbot County, Maryland, 1794-1920. St. Michael's, MD: The Author, 1983.

Russo, Jean Burrell. Free Workers in a Plantation Economy: Talbot County, Maryland, 1690-1759. Ph.D. diss., Johns Hopkins University, 1983.

Barrett, Charles L. "Walter Kirby Famly Kent, Talbot, and Queen Anne's Counties, Maryland 1679-ca.1750." Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, 21 (Summer 1980): 216-19.

Bradley, Frank E., Jr. "A Short Account of the Markland Family of Talbot Co., Maryland and Lancaster Co., England." Genealogist, 1 (Spring 1980): 66-72.

Major, Nettie Leitch. "Thomas Martin Family of England and Talbot County, Md." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist, 22 (January 1981): 14-15.

Major, Nettie Leitch. "Thomas Martin of Park Pale, Dorchestershire, England & Talbot County, Md." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist, 21 (July 1980): 85-88; (October 1980): 112-13.

Mormann, Frances B. "Michael Russell, Jr.: His Widow & Family of the Island Hundred, Talbot Co." Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, 21 (Summer 1980): 249-51.

Jones, Helen Hopkins. "Extracts from the Records of Third Haven Monthly Meeting ofFriends, Easton, Talbot County, Maryland, 1680." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 12 (no. 1,1893): 88-92.

Leach, M. Atherton, ed. "Register of St. Michael's Parish, Talbot County, Maryland,1672-1704." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 29 (no. 4, 1905): 427-38.

Wagner, Lauraine. "Oxford Lab: On the Frontier of Marine Science." Maryland, 20 (Spring 1988): 72-73.

Blackpool, Stephen. Maryland Historical Markers: Kent, Queen Anne's & Talbot Counties. Baltimore: Stephen Blackpool, 2004.

Thompson, Bill. "Easton: Fulfilling Its Destiny." Maryland Life, 6 (January/February 2010): [Easton in 2010: Celebrating 300 Years 7-8, 10-14, 16-18].

"The Historical Society of Talbot County." Maryland Life, 6 (January/February 2010): [Easton in 2010: Celebrating 300 Years 27].

Hornberger, Patrick. "Easton's North Street Garage." Maryland Life, 7 (September/October 2011): 81.

Faith, Thomas. "'We are Still Letting That Building Alone': The Mustard Gas Plant at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, in World War I." Journal of America's Military Past, 120 (Fall 2012): 29-42.
Categories: World War I

Hill, Mike, comp. "World War I Participants." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Fall 2012): 20-36.

Vernot, Andréa. "Easton's 'Spitfire' Hangar." Maryland Life, 8 (October 2012): 52.

Leonard, R. Bernice, comp. Talbot County, Maryland, Land Records. 15 vols. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2011-2012.

Tang, Amanda. 'Fried chicken belongs to all of us': The Zooarchaeology of Enslaved Foodways on the Long Green, Wye House (18ta314), Talbot County, Maryland. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2014.

Sorg Architects. Modern in Context: The Architecture of Suman Sorg, FAIA. San Raphael, CA: ORO Editions, 2014.
Notes: Van Sweden Residence, Sherwood.

Pruitt, Beth. Reordering the landscape: Science, nature, and spirituality at Wye House. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2015.

Moore, Tilden L. 1890 Special Census of the Civil War Veterans of the State of Maryland: Volume IV, Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester. Reprint. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2015.

Messimer, Dwight. The Baltimore Sabotage Cell: German Agents, American Traitors, and the U-Boat Deutschland during World War I. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2015.

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