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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Fishman, Bernard P. "Back to East Baltimore. An Introduction to the New Jewish Heritage Center." Generations (Fall 1986): 10-11.

Fishman, Bernard P. "Making the Jewish Museum of Maryland." Generations (Fall 1998): 26-34.
Notes: An involved discussion of the 1990s construction of the museum's new museum, complete with problems and foibles, written by the man who directed the project.

A Guide to Maryland State Archives Holdings of Wicomico County Records on Microfilm. Annapolis: Maryland State Archives, 1989.

Jackl, W. E. "Station Number Eleven of the Enoch Pratt Free Library." Journal of Library History 7 (1972): 141-156.
Notes: East Baltimore's Station Number Eleven, which began in two rooms in a settlement house was amazingly successful in servicing its Jewish immigrant population with very mere resources. This article includes some discussion in the early 20th century library controversy of whether or not libraries should collection non-English works. Also stressed is the role the public library played in the Americanization of the immigrant.

Key, Betty McKeever, comp. Oral History in Maryland: A Directory. Edited by Larry E. Sullivan. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1981.
Notes: Although it is very outdated, this directory should serve be the starting point for anyone attempting to locate oral history collections relevant to Maryland. Collections surveyed were not only in institutional hands (schools, libraries, and historical agencies) but also belonged to governmental agencies and private individuals. Included are DC and PA collections of potential interest.

Moore, Dick. "The New Ward Museum." Maryland 25 (Autumn 1992): 44-47.

Schell, Edwin. History of Northeastern Jurisdictional Historical Concerns. N.p.: Northeastern Jurisdictional Commission on Archives and History, United Methodist Church, 1976.

Scroth, Raymond A. "The Excommunication of Reverend John Baptist Causse: an Unpublished Sermon by Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore." Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia 81 (1970): 42-56.

Starin, Mary Elizabeth. "The Callister Papers, Maryland Room, Talbot County Free Library, Easton, Maryland." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist 15 (January 1974): 3-5.

'Anywhere So Long As There Be Freedom:' Charles Carroll of Carrollton, His Family & His Maryland. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1975.
Notes: Includes essays on his family by Sally D. Mason, his political career by Ronald Hoffman, his economic activities by Edward C. Papenfuse, his homes by William Voss Elder III, and his religion by Joseph T. Durkin and Annabelle M. Melville.

Berkin, Carol R. "Jonathan Boucher: The Loyalist as Rebel." West Georgia College Studies in the Social Studies 15 (June 1976): 65-78.

Bosworth, Timothy W. "Anti-Catholicism as a Political Tool in Mid-Eighteenth Century Maryland." Catholic Historical Review 61 (October 1975): 539-63.

Edsall, Thomas B. "Money and Morality in Maryland." Society 11 (1974): 74-81.

Eitches, Edward. "Maryland's 'Jew Bill.'" American Jewish Historical Quarterly 60 (1971): 258-279.
Notes: The long and arduous struggle to pass the bill that would "extend to the sect of people professing the Jewish religion, the same rights and privileges enjoyed by Christians." Within the historical and religious context of Maryland's test oaths, Federal-Republican power struggles, and urban-agrarian conflicts to liberalize parts of the state constitution, a specific version of the "Jew Bill" is finally passed in 1826, by its foremost champion, Thomas Kennedy.

Everstine, Carl N. "Maryland's Toleration Act: An Appraisal." Maryland Historical Magazine 79 (Summer 1984): 99-116.
Notes: Considered from afar, Maryland's Toleration Act (1649) reinforces the nation's long tradition of religious toleration and moderation; or does it? After examining the wording of the act, and the history of toleration prior to 1649, the author points out that the act was repealed in 1654, and, while the repeal was itself repealed soon after, toleration would continue in force only until 1696, when the Church of England was established as the sole religious establishment in the Province. Caught in the rivalry between the resurgent Puritans and the Catholics at mid-century, religious toleration was on shaky grounds from the beginning. With the ascendancy of the Anglican Church in 1696, things grew worse for Catholics, and more legislation was adopted in the ensuing years restricting their ability to practice their religion publicly. Religious toleration for Christians was re-introduced in the state Constitution of 1776 and expanded to include Jews fifty years later.

Gribbin, William. "A Reply of John Adams on Episcopacy and the American Revolution." Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church 44 (1975): 277-283.

Hanley, Thomas O'Brien, S.J. "The Catholic and Anglican Gentry in Maryland Politics." Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church 38 (1969): 143-151.

Haw, James A. "The Patronage Follies: Bennet Allen, John Norton Jordan, and the Fall of Horatio Sharpe." Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Summer 1976): 134-50.

Jordan, David W. "'God's Candle' Within Government: Quakers and Politics in Early Maryland." William and Mary Quarterly 3d series, 39 (October 1982): 628-54.

Mason, Keith. "Localism, Evangelicalism, and Loyalism: The Sources of Oppression in the Revolutionary Chesapeake." Journal of Southern History 56 (February 1990): 23-54.

Papenfuse, Edward C. An Act Concerning Religion, April 21, 1649: An Interpretation and Tribute to the Citizen Legislators of Maryland. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1999.

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