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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Guillen, Nalleli. "Complicit Material Culture: Brooklyn's History of Slavery in a Charles Willson Peale Portrait Miniature of George Washington." Winterthur Portfolio, 55 (Spring 2021): 49-65.

Letzer, Mark B. "Joshua Johnson Portrait Collection Travels to Washington County." Maryland History and Culture News, (Spring 2021): 20-21.

Himmelheber, Peter. "Indentured People." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Winter 2021): 15.

Maryland State Archives. A Guide to the History of Slavery in Maryland. Rev. ed. Annapolis: Maryland State Archives, 2020.

Menaker, Howard. "RHS Welcomes Maya Davis." Riversdale, 38 (Spring 2021): 1, 3.

Cumming, Daniel Graham. "Health is Wealth: The Rise of a Medical Metropolis and the Remaking of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century Baltimore." Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2021.

Weaks, Francesca G. "Health Care Reform: Exploring Health-Related Quality of Life of HIV/AIDS Patients in Baltimore Post Implementation of the Affordable Care Act." Dr. P.H. diss., Morgan State University, 2021.

Fletcher, Lauren. "The United States Colored Troops from Howard County." The Legacy, 58 (Summer 2021): 6-7.

Cassie, Ron. "The Many Trials of Keith Davis Jr." Baltimore, 114 (December 2021): 92-99, 141-43.

Cobbina-Dungy, Jennifer. "'I'm afraid of cops': black protesters' and residents' perceptions of policing in the United States." Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 19 (July-December 2021): 244-66.

Kells, Robert E., Jr. The Pastors of Weller's Church: From United Brethren to United Methodist, 1830-2021. Frederick, MD: R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, 2021.

Maddox, Lucy. The People of Rose Hill: Black and White Life on a Maryland Plantation. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2021.

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