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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Sherman, Colonel Philip. "The Engaging Mrs. E." Generations 5 (June 1984): 3-17.
Notes: Mrs. Shinah Solomon Etting.

Wolf, Samuel. "Bessie Meets Boris Thomashefsky in Baltimore." Generations (Summer 1991): 4-8.

Zehren, Maria A. 'The Dangling Scissors': Marriage, Family and Work among Italian Women in the Clothing Industry in Baltimore, 1890-1920. Ph.D. diss., Georgetown University, 1998.

Adams, Willi Paul. "Amerikanische Verfassungdiskussion in Deutscher Sprache: Politische Begriffe in Texten Der Deutschamerikanischen Aufklarung, 1761-88 [American constitutional discussion in the German language: political concepts in texts of the German-American Enlightenment, 1761-88]." Yearbook of German-American Studies 32 (1997): 1-20.

Adolf, Leonard A. "Squanto's Role in Pilgrim Diplomacy." Ethnohistory 11 (1964): 247-261.

Berman, Barnett B. "Baltimore's Little Jerusalem." Generations (Fall 1999): 10-13.

Berman, Elizabeth Kessin. "Threads of Life: Weaving Together the Jewish Community of Baltimore's Garment Industry." Maryland Humanities (September 2000): 6-11.

Berney, Albert. "Isaac Hamburger and Sons: Memories of a Family and a Store." Generations (Fall 2000): 1-4.

Bernhard, Virginia, Betty Brandon, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, and Theda Perdue, ed. Southern Women: Histories and Identities. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1993.

Burnbaugh, Donald F. "Religion and Revolution: Options in 1776." Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 1 (1978): 2-9.

Cohen, Naomi W. "Shaare Tefila Congregation V. Cobb: A New Departure in American Jewish Defense?" Jewish History [Israel] 3 (1988): 95-108.

Crownover, Donald A. "The Ku Klux Klan in Lancaster County: 1923-24." Journal of the Lancaster County Historical Society 68 (1964): 63-77.

Dickinson, Joan Younger. "Aspects of Italian Immigration to Philadelphia." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 90 (1966): 445-465.
Categories: Ethnic History, Other

Dobson, David. Scots on the Chesapeake, 1607-1830. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1992.

Ellin, Morton. "Every Year a New Rabbi: Growing Up Jewish in Frederick, Maryland." Generations (Fall 1999): 6-9.

Elliott, Daryl M. "The Lord's Supper and the United Brethren in Christ." Methodist History 27 (1989): 211-229.

Fogleman, Aaron S. "Moravian Immigration and Settlement in British North America, 1734-1775." Transactions of the Moravian Historical Society 29 (1996): 23-58.

Frantz, John B. "John C. Guldin, Pennsylvania-German Revivalist." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 87 (1963): 123-138.

Fromm, Roger W. "The Migration and Settlement of Pennsylvania Germans in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina and Their Effects on the Landscape." Pennsylvania Folklife 37 (1987): 33-42.

Glaser, Richard. "The Greek Jews in Baltimore." Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976): 321-336.

Globensky, Anne Brigid. At Home in Baltimore: An Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Lumbee Domestic Material Culture. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1999.

Hama, Fumiaki. "Amerika Nanbu No Unga Keiei to Imin Rodosha: 19 Seiki Zenban Chesapiku Ando Ohaio Unga No Baai [Canal management in the American South and immigrant laborers: a case study of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the first half of the 19th century]." Shakai-Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History) [Japan] 54 (1989): 48-78.

Hoffman, Bernard G. "John Clayton's 1687 Account of The Medicinal Practices of The Virginia Indians." Ethnohistory 11 (1964): 1-40.

Jensen, Joan M. "'You May Depend She Does Not Eat Much Idle Bread': Mid-Atlantic Farm Women and Their Historians." Agricultural History 61 (1987): 29-46.

Kassof, Anita. "Maryland's Treasure House: The Jewish Museum and Its Collections." Generations (Fall 2000): 35-43.

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