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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Schinto, Jeanne. "No Two Are Alike." Johns Hopkins Magazine, 71 (Winter 2019): 32-37.

Junkin, Tim. "Speaking Science to Power." Chesapeake Bay Magazine, 50 (September 2020): 62-67.
Notes: Don Boesch.

DePuydt, Peter J. "'The Little Plot': Jacob Green and the 1814 Fredericktown Insurrection." Southern Studies, 26 (Fall-Winter 2019): 55-77.

Hess, Grant. "Cedar Hill: Frederick Douglass's Literary Landscape and the Racial Construction of Nature." American Literature, 93 (December 2021): 571-99.

"The Rev. Duke Cabin: Can It Survive Its 3rd Century?" The Inkwell, (Spring 2020): 11-12.

Polk, John F., comp. Petitions and Judgments, Cecil County Court, 1717-1732: Abstracts with Selected Transcriptions. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2021.

Tresch, John. The Reason for the Darkness of the Night: Edgar Allan Poe and the Forging of American Science. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2021.

Dixon, Mike. "Spanish Influenza and Cecil County." The Inkwell, (Fall 2020): 1, 3-4, 7.
Categories: Medicine, Cecil County

Vogel, William F. "'The Mighty Microbe Can Go to War': Scientists, Secrecy, and American Biological Weapons Research, 1941-1969." Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 2021.

Mease, Eric F. "Dedicated Service to Cecil County." The Inkwell, (Spring 2020): 1, 3-5.
Notes: Cecil County Sheriff John DeWitt.

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