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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Fromm, Roger W. "The Migration and Settlement of Pennsylvania Germans in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina and Their Effects on the Landscape." Pennsylvania Folklife 37 (1987): 33-42.

Glaser, Richard. "The Greek Jews in Baltimore." Jewish Social Studies 38 (1976): 321-336.

Globensky, Anne Brigid. At Home in Baltimore: An Ethnographic Approach to the Study of Lumbee Domestic Material Culture. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 1999.

Gray, Ralph D. "'The Key to the Whole Federal Situation.' - The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal in the Civil War." Maryland Historical Magazine 60 (1965): 1-14.

Grimsley, Mark. "The Definition of Disaster." Civil War Times Illustrated 28 (1989): 14-21.

Hall, Clark B. "The Battle of Brandy Station." Civil War Times Illustrated 29 (1990): 32-42, 45.

Hall, James O. "Butler Takes Baltimore." Civil War Times Illustrated 17 (1978): 4-10, 44-46.

Hama, Fumiaki. "Amerika Nanbu No Unga Keiei to Imin Rodosha: 19 Seiki Zenban Chesapiku Ando Ohaio Unga No Baai [Canal management in the American South and immigrant laborers: a case study of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal in the first half of the 19th century]." Shakai-Keizai Shigaku (Socio-Economic History) [Japan] 54 (1989): 48-78.

Hartwig, D. Scott. "'My God! Be Careful!' Morning Battle at Fox's Gap, September 14, 1862." Civil War Regiments 5 (1996): 27-58.

Hoffman, Bernard G. "John Clayton's 1687 Account of The Medicinal Practices of The Virginia Indians." Ethnohistory 11 (1964): 1-40.

Jensen, Joan M. "'You May Depend She Does Not Eat Much Idle Bread': Mid-Atlantic Farm Women and Their Historians." Agricultural History 61 (1987): 29-46.

Jones, Wilbur D., Jr. "Ego, Carelessness and Three Cigars: How Lee's Special Orders No. 191 Was Lost." Journal of America's Military Past 24 (1997): 24-38.

Jones, Wilbur D., Jr. "Who Lost the Lost Orders? Stonewall Jackson, His Courier, and Special Orders No. 191." Civil War Regiments 5 (1996): 1-26.

Kassof, Anita. "Maryland's Treasure House: The Jewish Museum and Its Collections." Generations (Fall 2000): 35-43.

Katzenstein, Dorothy Tucker. "Strange Journey: From Lithuania to Baltimore by Way of Argentina." Generations (Fall 2000): 16-19.

Kaufman, Clemintine Lazaron. "A Rabbi's Daughter Remembers." Generations (Fall 1999): 1-5.

Kessler, Barry. "Chronology: Jewish Museum of Maryland." Generations (Fall 1999): 46-51.

Krebs, Friedrich, and Don Yoder, trans., and ed. "New Material on 18th Century Emigration from Wurttemberg." Pennsylvania Folklife 16 (1966/67): 22-23.
Categories: Ethnic History, Other

Lanman, Barry A. "Oral History as an Educational Tool for Teaching Immigration and Black History in American High Schools: Findings and Queries." International Journal of Oral History 8 (1987):122-135.

Lavender, Abraham D. "Jewish College Women: Future Leaders of the Jewish Community?" Journal of Ethnic Studies 5 (1977): 81-90.

Lavender, Abraham D. "Studies of Jewish College Students: a Review and a Replication." Jewish Social Studies 39 (1977): 37-52.

Levine, Neil Ann Stuckey, Ursula Roy, and David J. Rempel Smucker. "The Compleat Americanization of Louis C. Jungerich (1803-1882)." Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage 23 (2000): 30-44.

Liebowitz, Steve. "Paradise Lost: A Retrospective of Liberty Road's Jewish Community." Generations (Fall 2000): 23-29.

Long, Amos, Jr. "Pennsylvania Corncribs." Pennsylvania Folklife 14 (1964): 16-23.

A Maryland Boy in Lee's Army: Personal Reminiscences of a Maryland Soldier in the War Between the States, 1861-1865. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000.

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