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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

A History of Road Building in Maryland. Baltimore: State Roads Commission of Maryland, 1958.
Notes: A good summary with many interesting references.

Jacobs, Charles T. "Civil War Fords and Ferries in Montgomery County." Montgomery County Story 40 (February 1997): 417-28.

Jacobs, David, and Anthony E. Neville. Bridges, Canals, and Tunnels; the Engineering Conquest of North America. New York: American Heritage, 1968.
Notes: This readable general discussion of the subject with fine illustrations includes material on Maryland. Robert M. Vogel, former curator of mechanical and civil engineering at the Smithsonian Institution was the consultant.

LeViness, Charles T. History of Road Building in Maryland. Baltimore: Maryland State Roads Commission, 1958.

McGrain, John. "Roads to Philadelphia." Nuts and Bolts 14 (Spring 1996): [7-9].

McGrain, John. Roads to Philadelphia: Historic Background, Philadelphia Roads Study. Towson, MD: Baltimore County Office of Planning and Zoning, 1990.

Seldon, W. Lynn. Country Roads of Maryland and Delaware. Castine, ME: Country Roads Press, 1994.

Summers, Festus P. The Baltimore and Ohio in the Civil War. New York: Putnam's, 1939.
Notes: The B&amp;O was the Union's most important railroad during the conflict. Summers's book "presents a scholarly, objective, and conscientious approach to the subject in hand with literary execution of unusual excellence," said Maryland historian Matthew Page Andrews in his 1940 <em>Maryland Historical Magazine</em> review.

Tanner, H. S. A Description of the Canals and Rail Roads of the United States, Comprehending Notices of All The Works of Internal Improvement Throughout the Several States. New York: T. R. Tanner and J.D. Disturnell, 1840.
Notes: Maryland is included in this state-by-state compilation of early American internal improvements.

Addison-Darneille, and Henrietta Stockton. "For Better or For Worse." Civil War Times Illustrated 31 (May/June 1992): 32-35, 73.

Cale, Clyde C., Jr. "Maria Louise Browning: Civil War Heroine." Glades Star 9 (March 1999): 11-13, 39.

Kelbaugh, Jack. "Northern Hospital Nurses: Mary Young and Rose Billings Make the Ultimate Sacrifice in Civil War Annapolis." Anne Arundel County History Notes 25 (January 1994): 5-6, 19.

Berlin, Ira, Francine C. Cary, Steven F. Miller, and Leslie S. Rowland. "Family and Freedom: Black Families in the American Civil War." History Today [Great Britain] 37 (1987): 8-15.

Bohannon, Keith, ed. "Wounded & Captured at Gettysburg: Reminiscence by Sgt. William Jones, 50th Georgia Infantry." Military Images 9 (1988): 14-15.

Boyd, Charles A. "George Alfred Townsend and the War Correspondents Memorial." Civil War Times Illustrated 16 (1977): 10-13.

Brown, Kent Masterson. "Greenhorns and Honey Bees: The One Hundred and Thirty-Second Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry at Antietam." Lincoln Herald 81 (1979): 202-206.

Browning, Robert M., Jr. From Cape Charles to Cape Fear: The North Atlantic Blockading Squadron during the Civil War. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1993.

Burton, Arthur G., and Richard W. Stephenson. "John Ballendine's Eighteenth-century Map of Virginia." Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 21 (1964): 172-178.

"Civil War Museums and Sites in Maryland." Maryland Humanities (April 2000): 25-28.

Coryell, Janet L. "'The Lincoln Colony': Aaron Columbus Burr's Proposed Colonization of British Honduras." Civil War History 43 (1997): 5-16.

Craighead, Sandra G., comp. "Index of Maryland and West Virginia Civil War Colored Troopers and Their 'Loyal Slaveowners.'" Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society 15 (1996): 40-50.

Davidson, Roger A., Jr. "'They Have Never Been Known to Falter': The First United States Colored Infantry in Virginia and North Carolina." Civil War Regiments 6 (1998): 1-26.

Hein, David. A Student's View of the College of St. James on the Eve of the Civil War: The Letters of W. Wilkins Davis (1842-1866). Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 1988.

Ecenbarger, William. Walkin' the Line: A Journey from Past to Present. New York: M. Evans, 2000.

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