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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Oxford, Mitchell Edward. "'This very important & almost unbounded trust': The Commission to Canada and the Place of Catholics in Revolutionary America." U.S. Catholic Historian, 36 (Fall 2018): 1-24.

Breslaw, Elaine G. "Enlightened Marylanders: Scientific Interests of pre-Revolutionary Times." Maryland Historical Magazine, 113 (Spring/Summer 2018): 4-19.

Dressler, Nicole K. "The 'Vile Commodity': Convict Servitude, Authority, and the Rise of Humanitarianism in the Anglo-American World, 1718-1809." Ph.D. diss., Northern Illinois University, 2018.

Hudson, Benjamin. "Harry Dorsey Gough and Agricultural Improvement in Maryland, 1774-1808." Maryland Historical Magazine, 114 (Spring/Summer 2019): 78-104.

McKnight, Matthew D., ed. The Archaeology of Colonial Maryland: Five Essays by Scholars of the Early Province. Crownsville, MD: Maryland Historical Trust Press, 2019.

Himmelheber, Peter. "Westbury Manor, 1642 to 1774: From Thomas Weston to Abraham Barnes." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Fall 2019): 18-20.

Grubb, Farley. "Colonial Paper Money and the Quantity Theory of Money: An Extension." Social Science History, 43 (Spring 2019): 185-207.

Grubb, Farley. "Creating Maryland's Paper Money Economy, 1720-1740: The Confluence of Political Constituencies, Economic Forces, Transatlantic Markets, and Law." Journal of Early American History, 9 (April 2019): 34-58.

Briand, Christopher H. and Michael E. Folkoff. "Integrating Multiple Sources to Reconstruct the Pre- and Early Postcolonial Forests of the Chesapeake: 1588-1838." Human Ecology, 47 (February 2019): 27-38.

Cranor, Henry Downes. Caroline County, Maryland 1776 Census of Bridgetown Hundred and Marriages, 1774-1815. Reprint. Signal Mountain, TN: Mountain Press, 2019.

Wright, F. Edward. Early Lists of Frederick Countians [Maryland], 1765-1775. Reprint. Westminster, MD: Heritage Books, 2019.

Szaltis, Leonard. Chesapeake Bay Privateers in the Revolution. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2019.

Gallo, Marcus. "Property Rights, Citizenship, Corruption, and Inequality: Confiscating Loyalist Estates during the American Revolution." Pennsylvania Heritage, 86 (Autumn 2019): 474-510.

Blanchard, Shaun. "Neither Cisalpine nor Ultramontane: John Carroll's Ambivalent Relationship with English Catholicism, 1780-1800." U.S. Catholic Historian, 36 (Summer 2018): 1-27.

Himmelheber, Peter, comp. "The Jesuit Reprimand: Proceedings of the General Assembly, 11 Sep 1704." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Summer 2019): 7-8.

Lewis, Charlene Boyer. "Modern Gratitude: Patriarchy, Romance, and Recrimination in the Early Republic." Journal of the Early Republic, 39 (Spring 2019): 27-56.

Collini, Sara. "Birthing a Nation: Enslaved Women and Midwifery in Early America, 1750-1820." Ph.D. diss., George Mason University, 2020.

Jenkins, Tracy H. "'To Dwell, I'm Determined, on that Happy Ground': An Archaeology of a Free African-American Community in Easton, Maryland, 1787-Present." Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, College Park, 2020.

Miller, Sydney. "'Eloped' or 'Enticed Away': Anxiety and Paternalism among Maryland Slaveholders before 1831." American Nineteenth Century History, 21 (January 2, 2020): 39-56.

McKnight, Matthew D., and Zachary L.F. Singer. "James Barwick's Ordinary: Geophysical Remote Sensing at an 18th-Century Tavern Site in Caroline County, Maryland." Maryland Archeology, 53 (September 2020): 17-35.

Himmelheber, Peter. "Westbury Manor 1774-1850: Richard Barnes to No More Masons." Chronicles of St. Mary's, (Winter 2020): 35-37.

Chew, Richard. "The Cultural Economy of the Manufacturing Revolution: Cultural Identification and Economic Realities in Early Republic Baltimore." Journal of the Early Republic, 40 (Fall 2020): 497-540.

Andersen, Patricia Abelard, comp. Frederick County, Maryland: Land Records Abstracts, 1778-1784: Liber WR1 through WR4. Berwyn Heights, MD: Heritage Books, 2020.

Goodall, Jamie L.H. Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay: From the Colonial Era to the Oyster Wars. Charleston, SC: History Press, 2020.

Conradis, John C. "The Baltimore Independent Cadets, 1774-1775: Reinterpreting Their History of Service, Lineage, and Honors." Military Collector and Historian, 72 (Fall 2020): 252-63.

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