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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Colbert, Ed, and Judy Colbert. "Battle Creek Cypress Swamp." Maryland 21(Summer 1989): 72-73.

"Coldest Winter in 200 Years." Glades Star 6 (March 1991): 518-20.

Cowles, R.P. "A Biological Study of the Offshore Waters of Chesapeake Bay." Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Fisheries 46 (1930): 277-381.
Notes: Cowles and his predecessor Lewis Radcliffe were the first to do coordinated studies of the hydrography and biology of the Bay, from 1915 to 1922. The kinds of organisms they found suggest the Bay was not yet experiencing the chronic summer loss of deep water dissolved oxygen encountered in today's polluted estuary.

Cronin, William B. Volumetric, Areal and Tidal Statistics of the Chesapeake Bay Estuary and its Tributaries. Special Report 20, Ref.71-2.Chesapeake Bay Institute, 1971.

Cronin, William B. The Chesapeake's Vanishing Islands. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, in press.
Notes: With sea level rise and shoreline erosion one of the most evident natural processes in the Chesapeake. Cronin, an oceanographer, provides a detailed account of virtually every island in the Bay.

Cronon, William B. Changes in the Land, Indians, Colonists and the Ecology of New England. New York: Hill and Wang, 1983.
Notes: Cronon's work is about New England, but his ecological insights are invaluable to learning about the Chesapeake.

Dare, Charles P. "Wild Fowl of the Chesapeake." History Trails 18 (Summer 1984): 13-16.

Davidson, Heather R. "Heading for a Happy Ending." Maryland 23 (Spring 1991): 54-56.
Categories: Environment

Davidson, Heather R. "The Importance of Maryland Ponds." Maryland 26 (April 1994): 24-29.

Davidson, Heather R., and Skip Willits. "Campaign for the Chesapeake Rivers." Maryland 26 (September/October 1994): 17-24.

Davidson, Steven G., Jay. G. Merwin, Jr., John Capper, Garrett Power, and Frank Shivers, Jr. Chesapeake Waters: Four Centuries of Controversy, Concern and Legislation. 1983; reprint, Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 1997.
Notes: Primarily on the political process paralleling environmental change but containing many references to contemporary conditions and problems.

Davis, Clayton. "Back to Nature." Maryland 28 (January 1996): 23.
Categories: Environment

Davis, Lynn. "Garden Roots." Heartland of Del-Mar-Va 11 (Sunshine 1988): 154-67.

Dawson, Effie Cottman. "Sugarloaf: Mr. Gordon's Special Mountain." Maryland 23 (Summer 1991): 46-47.

De Gast, Robert. The Oyster Men of the Chesapeake. Camden, ME: International Marine Publishing Company, 1970.
Notes: One cannot separate the Chesapeake oyster as a natural resource from the men and vessels which harvested them. Bob De Gast's book is a compelling visual story with accurate, if spare, text.

DeGast, Robert. Western Wind, Eastern Shore: A Sailing Cruise Around the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975.
Notes: De Gast sails a small boat around the entire DelMarVa Peninsula, an interesting voyage with useful observations.

Dessaint, Alain Y., and Lou Rose. Southern Maryland Yesterday and Today: Crab Pots and Sotweed Fields. La Plata, MD: Southern Maryland Today, 1983.
Categories: Environment

Diamond, Gary. "Point Lookout State Park." Maryland 22 (Winter 1989): 70-71.

DiLisio, James E. Maryland: A Geography. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1983.

Dowell, Susan Stiles. "Brookside Gardens: A Slice of Serenity." Maryland 22 (Summer 1990): 6-13.

Dowell, Susan Stiles. "Ladew Topiary Gardens." Maryland 20 (Spring 1988): 26-31.

Dowell, Susan Stiles. "William Paca Garden." Maryland 24 (Summer 1992): 24-31.

Eble, Albert F., Victor S. Kennedy, and Roger E.I. Newell, eds. The Eastern Oyster: Crassostrea virginica. College Park, MD: Maryland Sea Grant College, 1996.
Notes: A comprehensive update on oyster biology, and an impressive work.

Eden, Paul G. "Calvert County Tornadoes." Calvert Historian 2 (October 1986): 37.

Eden, Paul G. "The Dates of Two Calvert County Tornadoes." Calvert Historian 2 (October 1987): 31-32.

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