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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

LeGath, Judy. "Museum Receives Collection of Tools Used to Produce Kirk's Famous 'Baltimore Silver' On Display in New Kirk-Stieff Exhibit." Nuts and Bolts 13 (Summer 1995): [4].

McCauley, Lois B. Maryland Historical Prints, 1752 to 1889: A Selection from the Robert G. Merrick Collection Maryland Historical Society and Other Maryland Collections. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1975.
Notes: McCauley's is the major reference point for anyone researching Maryland prints. It is well illustrated, with descriptive text. This is as close as one comes to a union catalog for Maryland prints. This work should also be of interest to anyone seeking pre-photographic images of Maryland sites, as well as to map historians.

Mannix, Mary K. "The Automation of the Frances Louise Day Postcard Collection of the Howard County Historical Society." Popular Culture in Libraries 3 (1995): 187-197.

"Maryland Historical Society, 1844-1994: Keeper of Our State Treasures for 150 Years." News and Notes of the Maryland Historical Society 23 (January/February 1994): 1-3.

"Maryland's Best Kept Humanities Secrets: Chesapeake Nay Maritime Museum." Maryland Humanities (March 1999): 27.

"Maryland's Best Kept Humanities Secrets: Textile Collection at the Maryland Historical Society Museum." Maryland Humanities (September 2000): 27.

Moore, Dick. "The New Ward Museum." Maryland 25 (Autumn 1992): 44-47.

Nast, Lenora Heilig. "Baltimore Art Museums."In Baltimore: A Living Renaissance, edited by Lenora Heilig Nast, Laurence N. Krause, and R.C. Monk, 189-191. Baltimore: Historic Baltimore Society, Inc., 1982.

Nast, Lenora Heilig, and Jacqulein Nast Naron. "Baltimore Art Collectors and Patrons -- City and Citizen." In Baltimore: A Living Renaissance, edited by Lenora Heilig Nast, Laurence N. Krause, and R.C. Monk, 196-199. Baltimore: Historic Baltimore Society, Inc., 1982.

Nugent, Tom. "Super Models." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 27 (January 1998): 50-55.

The Official Museum Directory. Washington, DC: American Association of Museums, 1971-.
Notes: This guide has been published yearly since 1971. The American Association of Museums is the museum world's major professional organization, although it is oriented more towards large wealthy institutions.

Rutledge, Anna Wells. "Early Art Exhibitions of the Maryland Historical Society." Maryland Historical Magazine (June 1947): 124-136.
Notes: During the mid-nineteenth century, the Maryland Historical Society played an important role as Baltimore's art gallery. The original Peale Museum was closed and the Walters not yet founded. Included is a listing of the paintings exhibits, arranged by individual portrayed or subject.

Rutledge, Anna Wells. "Portraits in Varied Media in the Collections of the Maryland Historical Society." Maryland Historical Magazine 41 (December 1946): 282-326.

Rutledge, Anna Wells. "Portraits Painted Before 1900 in the Collections of the Maryland Historical Society." Maryland Historical Magazine 41 (March 1946): 11-50.

Sheffield, Suzanne. "The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum." Peninsula Pacemaker 26 (August 1997): 14-16.

Starin, Mary Elizabeth. "The Callister Papers, Maryland Room, Talbot County Free Library, Easton, Maryland." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist 15 (January 1974): 3-5.

Stoddaryd, Ann B. "Redecorating the White House." New Art Examiner 20 (February 1993): 16-20.
Notes: Maryland Historical Society Museum.

Valliant, John R. "Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum: Our First Thirty Years." Weather Gauge 31 (Spring 1995): 4-9.

Waesche, James F. "Maryland's Museums: The Peale Museum." Maryland Magazine (Winter 1985): 32-7.
Notes: A discussion of the building boom Baltimore's City Life Museums experienced during the 1990s. The Peale, and all the City Life Museums, closed about ten years later. Includes a history of the Peale, in both its manifestations.

Weeks, Christopher. "Perfectly Delightful": The Life and Gardens of Harvey Ladew. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Notes: Harvey Ladew lived a privileged life of excitement and venture. He counted Lawrence of Arabia among his friends. Weeks's very readable book tells the story of Ladew and his gardens, now a public attraction.

Wolf, Edwin, II. "The Library of Edward Lloyd IV of Wye House." Winterthur Portfolio 5 (1969): 87-121.

Worrall, Margaret. "Symington Library Opens at Maryland Historical Society." Maryland Horse 51 (January 1985): 48-52.

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