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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

McCauley, Lois B. Maryland Historical Prints, 1752 to 1889: A Selection from the Robert G. Merrick Collection Maryland Historical Society and Other Maryland Collections. Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1975.
Notes: McCauley's is the major reference point for anyone researching Maryland prints. It is well illustrated, with descriptive text. This is as close as one comes to a union catalog for Maryland prints. This work should also be of interest to anyone seeking pre-photographic images of Maryland sites, as well as to map historians.

Mannix, Mary. "Preliminary Survey of the Cartographic Records of Howard County, Maryland." The Portolan: Washington Map Society 36 (Summer 1996): 9-20.

"Mapping Maryland: The Willard Hackerman Collection." MHS/News (July-September 1998): 4.

Maryland State Planning Commission. Gazetteer of Maryland. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1941.
Notes: Perhaps the most thorough of all the geographic dictionaries, if you trying to identify a place in Maryland you will most likely find it in this Gazetteer.

"Maryland's Best Kept Humanities Secrets: Chesapeake Nay Maritime Museum." Maryland Humanities (March 1999): 27.

Nugent, Tom. "Super Models." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 27 (January 1998): 50-55.

Pyatt, Timothy, and Lisa Perry. Maps of Maryland: A Guide to the Map Collection of the Marylandia & Rare Books Department, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland College Park. College Park, MD: Maryland & Rare Books Dept., 1993.

Sheffield, Suzanne. "The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum." Peninsula Pacemaker 26 (August 1997): 14-16.

Starin, Mary Elizabeth. "The Callister Papers, Maryland Room, Talbot County Free Library, Easton, Maryland." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist 15 (January 1974): 3-5.

The State Gazetteer and Merchants and Farmers Directory for Maryland and District of Columbia. Baltimore, MD: Sadler, Drysdale, & Purnell, 1871.

Steiner, Bruce C. "Descriptions of Maryland." Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science 22 (1904).

Valliant, John R. "Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum: Our First Thirty Years." Weather Gauge 31 (Spring 1995): 4-9.

Wolf, Edwin, II. "The Library of Edward Lloyd IV of Wye House." Winterthur Portfolio 5 (1969): 87-121.

"Worcester County Library, Snow Hill: Opening/Dedication of William D. Pitts Collection , Maryland Land Surveys, 1677-1982, 23 October 1987." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist 28 (1987): 123-124.

Formwalt, Lee W. "A Conversation Between Two Rivers: A Debate on the Location of the U.S. Capital in Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (Fall 1976): 310-21.

Ridgway, Whitman Hawley. A Social Analysis of Maryland Community Elites, 1827-1836: A Study of the Distribution of Power in Baltimore City, Frederick County and Talbot County. Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1973.

Ridgway, Whitman H. Community Leadership in Maryland, 1790-1840. A Comparative Analysis of Power in Society. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979.
Notes: Applying social science methodology to reconstruct patterns of decision making and their significance, this work examines the formation of elites in four political communities representing the diversity of the state (Baltimore City, and the counties of Frederick, St. Mary's, and Talbot) in two political eras (the Jeffersonian and the Jacksonian). In the more rural areas, such as St. Mary's and Talbot counties, decision makers overlapped with those who held public office and dominated community affairs, and little changed between the two periods. Where there was greater social and economic diversity, the patterns were considerably different. Elites became more specialized forcing decision makers to accommodate the demands of new leaders who represented a expanding popular political base. Members of the different elites (decisional, commercial, positional and traditional) are identified, along with individual socio-economic information, in the appendices.

Abribat, Beverly. "The Jefferson Island Club." Weather Gauge 24 (Fall 1988): 10-21; 25 (Fall 1989): 8-14.

Dodds, Richard J. S. "For God and Country: The Hambleton Family of Maryland." Historical Society of Talbot County Newsletter (Fall 1988): 1-2.

Greatman, Bonnie M. A Dialect Atlas of Maryland. Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1970.

Historical Society of Talbot County. The Art of Gardening: Maryland Landscapes and the American Garden Aesthetic, 1730-1930. Easton, MD: The Historical Society of Talbot County, 1985.

Preston, Robert M. "The Great Fire of Emmitsburg, Maryland: Does a Catastrophic Event Cause Mobility?" Maryland Historical Magazine 77 (Summer 1982): 172-82.

Russo, Jean B. "The Wonderful Lady and the Fourth of July: Popular Culture in the Early National Period." Maryland Historical Magazine 90 (Summer 1995): 180-93.

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