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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Johnston, Terry A., Jr. "From Fox's Gap to the Sherrick Farm: The 79th New York Highlanders in the Maryland Campaign." Civil War Regiments, 6 (no. 2, 1998): 58-88.

Toney, B. Keith. "'Dying as Brave Men Should Die': The Attack and Defense of Burnside's Bridge." Civil War Regiments, 6 (no. 2, 1998): 89-118.

Barnes, Robert W. "Marriages in St. Paul's Parish, Kent County, Maryland." Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin, 15 (February 1974): 10-15.

Patrell, Dan. "Postcard [Worton Point]." Maryland Life, 2 (January/February 2006): 12.

Spencer, L. "Fighting Back." Forbes, 152 (July 19, 1993): 43-44 [Antietam National Battlefield].

Gibb, James G. "Median Ceramic Dates for Hagerstown Valley Pottery." Maryland Archeology, 42 (March 2006): 15-23.

McDermott, Paul C. "Conococheague Manor: A View of Early Settlement and Vernacular Architecture in the Backcountry." Catoctin History, 7 (Spring/Summer 2006): 36-43.

"Early Painting of Chestertown." Old Kent, 10 (Summer 1993): 1.

Janson-La Palme, Robert J. H. "A View of Chestertown from White House Farm: New Insights from Old Kent." Maryland Historical Magazine, 88 (Spring 1993): 38-51.

"The Patriots of Washington County Who Took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Maryland." Maryland and Delaware Genealogist, 17 (April 1976): 34-35; (July 1976): 56; (October 1976): 83.

Andrews, W. H. "The 1st Georgia Regulars at Sharpsburg: Recollections of the Maryland Campaign, 1862." Civil War Regiments, 2 (1992): 95-117.

Furgurson, Pat. "Damage Control." Mid-Atlantic Country, 14 (March 1993): 32-37, 99.
Notes: Antietam.

Mrozek, Albert A., Jr. "The Battle of Antietam: The Creation of Artillery Hell." Field Artillery, 6 (August 1992): 30-34.

Priest, John Michael. Before Antietam: The Battle for South Mountain. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Company, 1992.

Hays, Anne M. "Lambert Wickes - An Authentic Hero." Chesapeake Bay Magazine, 6 (June 1976): 17-18, 27.

Keller, S. Roger. Events of The Civil War in Washington County, Maryland. Shippensburg, MD: Burd Street Press, 1995.

Losson, Christopher Thomas. Jacob Dolson Cox: A Military Biography. Ph.D. diss., University of Mississippi, 1993.

Custer, Jay F., Keith R. Doms, Kristen Walker, and Adrienne Allegretti. Archeological Investigations at 18KE128, Kent County, Maryland. Maryland Archeology, 33 (March-September 1997): 45-58.

Beals, Fred and Betty. "McMahon's Mill, Downsville, Maryland." Old Mill News, 25 (Spring 1997): 9.

Keller, S. Roger. Crossroads of War: Washington County, Maryland in the Civil War. Shippensburg, PA: Burd Street Press, 1997.

Luvaas, Jay, and Harold W. Nelson, eds. Guide to the Battle of Antietam: The Maryland Campaign of 1862. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1996.

Stefanon, Dyon. "Antietam: A Landscape for Time Travel." Civil War Times Illustrated, 36 (August 1997): 16, 21, 67-70.

Halvorsen, Francine. "Rock Hall Rocks!" Maryland Life, 2 (May/June 2006): 136-37, 142-43.

Keiser, R. Jerry. Chestertown and Kent County. Postcard History series. Charlestown, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2005.

McClung, Cooky. "Chestertown Celebrates the Big 300." Maryland Life, 2 (March/April 2006): 26-29.

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