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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Miller, Joseph M. "Vignette of Medical History: Peregrine Wroth, M.D., (Hon.) and his Maryland Descendants." Maryland Medical Journal, 43 (September 1994): 807-9.

Smith, Vivian. "Donald H. Dembo, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.: 1994-1995 president, Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland." Maryland Medical Journal, 43 (May 1994): 433-36.

Taylor, Morton F. "Dr. Richards' Hospital." Bulletin of the Historical Society of Cecil County, 66 (December 1993): 6.

Greiner, James M., Janet L. Coryell, and James R. Smither, eds. A Surgeon's Civil War: The Letters and Diary of Daniel M. Holt, M.D. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 1994.

Cammack, Shirley. "James Kernan's Enterprise: From a Burlesque House to a Hospital." Baltimore, 69 (Juuly 1976): 58-61.
Notes: James Kernan (1838-1912).

Franz, Caroline Jones. "Johns Hopkins." American Heritage, 27 (February 1976): 31 ff.
Notes: The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Harvey, A. McGehee. Adventures in Medical Research: A Century of Discovery at Johns Hopkins. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976.

Harvey, A. McGehee. "William Osler and Medicine in America: With Special Reference to the Baltimore Period." Maryland State Medical Journal, 25 (October 1976): 35-42.

Hume, Ruth Fox. Medicine in Maryland. N.p. Published by the author, 1976.

Levin, Alexandra Lee. "John Revere, M.D." Maryland Magazine, 9 (Autumn 1976): 10-13.
Notes: Biographical sketch of a Baltimore doctor and son of Paul Revere.

Mathews, William B. "The Beginning of the Tuberculosis Sanatorium Movement in Maryland." Maryland State Medical Journal, 25 (August 1976): 28-31.

Miles, Lester. "Med-Chi Journal History, 1839-1976." Maryland State Medical Journal, 25 (January 1976): 35-42.

Miles, L.H, comp. and ed. "Medical Annals of Maryland, 1899-1925: History of Orthopedics in Maryland Through 1925, by I. William Nachles." Maryland State Medical Journal, 25 (April 1976): 64-69; "A Brief History of Dermatology in Maryland Through 1932" by Isaac R. Pels. Ibid. 25 (July 1976): 57-62; "Otology in Maryland and Baltimore Through 1925" by Jesse W. Downey, Jr. Ibid. 25 (November 1976): 59-63.

Rutman, Darrett B. and Anita H. "Of Agues and Fevers: Malaria in the Early Chesapeake." William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd series, 33 (January 1976): 31-60.

Michel, Gregg L. "'Union Power, Soul Power': Unionizing Johns Hopkins University Hospital, 1959-1974." Labor History, 38 (Winter 1996-97): 28-66.

Baker, Timothy D., Wendy Tse, and Anna Bowen. "The Changing Economic Impact of Infectious Disease in Maryland: The 'Good Old Days' were terrible." Maryland Medical Journal, 45 (November 1996): 925-28.
Categories: Medicine

Chase, Henry V. "Early Maryland physicians and the first presidential election." Maryland Medical Journal, 46 (April 1997): 198-200.
Categories: Medicine

Engel, John. "Preface to Deinstitutionalization: Crisis in Maryland's Psychiatric Hospitals, 1945-1955." Maryland Historian, 26 (Spring/Summer 1995): 1-40.

Fee, Elizabeth, and Theodore M. Brown, eds. Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.

Fishbein, Ronald H. "A long forgotten tribute to the 'Emperor' recalled on his 200th birthday anniversary." Maryland Medical Journal, 46 (August 1997): 375-77.

Miller, Joseph M. "The Finneys of Baltimore: and the trumpets sounded." Maryland Medical Journal, 45 (December 1996): 1031-35.

Miller, Joseph M. "The Growth and Metamorphosis of Provident Hospital and Free Dispensary into the Liberty Health System, Inc." Maryland Medical Journal, 46 (April 1997): 193-97.
Categories: Medicine

Miller, Joseph M. "Med Chi's Presidents: a series of historical vignettes-The Beginning." Maryland Medical Journal, 46 (March 1997): 137.

Miller, Joseph M. "The Muse family of Maryland: To them much was given." Maryland Medical Journal, 46 (October 1997): 487-89.

Miller, Joseph M. "Vignette of Medical History: Francois Rabelais, M.D." Maryland Medical Journal, 45 (November 1996): 941-42.

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