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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Struna, Nancy Lynn. The Cultural Significance of Sport in the Colonial Chesapeake and Massachusetts. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, 1979.

Stump, Brice Neal. Unforgettable Treasures: People, Places and Culture of the Eastern Shore. Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Company, 2000.

Swan Meadow School History, Late 1800's Through 1999. Cumberland, MD: Commercial Press Printing Co., 1999.

Swann, John P. "Manuscript Resources in the History of Chemistry at the National Library of Medicine." Annals of Science [Great Britain] 46 (1989): 249-262.

Swartz, Gordon Lloyd, III. "I Like Railroading: Locomotive Engineer Gilbert King." Goldenseal 24 (1998): 34-37, 39-41.

Swope, Jennifer M. "Francis W. Cooper: Silversmith." Antiques 155 (February 1999): 290-97.

Sykes, Melvin J. "Orthodoxy in East Baltimore: A Retrospect." Generations (Fall 1999): 25-29.

Tate, Thad W., and David L. Ammerman, ed. The Chesapeake in the Seventeenth Century: Essays on Anglo-American Society. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1979.

Tayac, Gabrielle Astra. 'To Speak With One Voice': Supra-Tribal American Indian Collective Identity Incorporation Among the Piscataway 1500-1998. Ph.D. diss., Harvard University, 1999.
Categories: Native American, Other

Temkin, Martha. "Guns or Plowshares: Significance and a Civil War Agricultural Landscape." Maryland Archeology 36 (March 2000): 25-34.

Thomas, M. Carey. The Making of a Feminist: Early Journals and Letters of M. Carey Thomas.
Categories: Other

Thomas, Alice, and Mable Thomas. "Our Home, Holly Grove." Legacy 20 (Spring 2000): 1, 5.

Thompson, Tommy R. "The Country and Court Parties in Eighteenth Century Maryland." North Dakota Quarterly 47 (1979): 43-53.

Thorne, Judith Z. "Earnest and Solemn Protest: Quaker Anti-slavery Petitions to Congress, 1831-1865." Quaker History 88 (no. 2, 1999): 47-50.

Thornton, Robert M. "Man of Ideas." Menckeniana 154 (Summer 2000): 1-3.

Thoumaiam, Armen Harry. Implementation of Information System Provisions in the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980: Maryland and West Virginia. Ph.D. diss., University of Maryland, Baltimore, 1984.

Tidwell, William A. "April 15, 1865." Civil War History 42 (1996):220-239.

Tillson, Albert H., Jr. "The Southern Backcountry: A Survey of Current Research." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 98 (1990): 387-422.

Tindall, George B. "Southern Negroes Since Reconstruction: Dissolving the Static Image." In Writing Southern History: Essays in Historiography in Honor of Fletcher M. Green, 337-361. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1965.

Tinder, Robert W. "Extraordinary Measures: Maryland and the Yorktown Campaign, 1781." Maryland Historical Magazine 95 (Summer 2000): 132-59.

Tipton, Elizabeth Howse. A Descriptive Analysis of Selected Forces and Events Which Influenced the Founding, Growth, and Development of Bowie State College from 1865 to 1975. Ed.D. diss., George Washington University, 1976.

Tombe, Victoria Kitale. Selected Community College Staff Development Programs in Maryland and Virginia: The Impact of the Reform Movement of the 1980's and of Demographic Factors on the Use of Active Modes of Teaching. Ph.D. diss., George Washington University, 1990.

Tompkins, Raymond S., with introduction by John G. VanOsdell. "Raymond S. Tompkins and the 115th Infantry in France, 1918." Maryland Historical Magazine 94 (1999): 268-308.

Tompsett, Fabian. "1606 and All That: the Virginian Conquest." Race & Class [Great Britain] 41 (2000): 29-41.

Toothman, Fred R. Working for the Chessie System: Olde King Coal's Prime Carrier. Huntington, WV: Vandalia, 1993.

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