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The Maryland History and Culture Bibliography

Ripken, Cal, Sr. The Ripken Way: A Manual for Baseball and Life. New York: Pocket Books, 1999.

Ripken, Cal, Jr., and Mike Bryan. The Only Way I Know. New York: Viking Penguin, 1997.

Ripken, Cal, Jr. Ripken: Cal on Cal. Arlington, TX: Summit Publishing Group, 1995.

Ritter, Lawrence S. The Babe: A Life in Pictures. New York: Ticknor & Fields, 1988.

Rodgers, Marion Elizabeth, ed. Mencken and Sara, A Life in Letters: The Private Correspondence of H. L. Mencken and Sara Haardt. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Rose, Lou, and Michael Marti. Arthur Storer of Lincolnshire, England and Calvert County, Maryland. Prince Frederick, MD: Calvert County Historical Society, 1984.

Rosenfeld, Harvey. Iron Man: the Cal Ripken, Jr. Story. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995.

Russo, Jim. Superscout: Thirty-five Years of Major League Scouting with the Baltimore Orioles. Chicago: Bonus Books, 1992.

Schmidt, John C. Win, Place and Show: A Biography of Harry Strauss, the Man Who Gave America the Tote. Baltimore: Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1990.

Scott, Laurel. "Jack and Sheila Fisher: a whirlwind season." Maryland Horse 60 (June/July 1994): 12-17.

Scott, Laurel. "Allison and Daniel Lucas: low-key yet diverse." Maryland Horse 60 (December 1994/January 1995): 42-47.

Sioussat, Anne Leakin. "Lionel Copley, First Royal Governor of Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine 18 (1922): 163-77.

Sledge, Ed. "The Odyssey of Gov. Thomas Johnson's Grandfather." Calvert Historian 6 (Spring/Fall 1991): 20-23.

Small, Clara Louise. Three Generations of the Ennis Family: A Demographic Study on the Lower Eastern Shore. Ph.D. diss., University of Delaware, 1990.

Smith, Dee. "The First Lord of Bohemia Manor." Chesapeake Bay Magazine 7 (September 1977): 18-20.
Notes: Augustine Herman (b. 1608).

"Sold on horses: a tribute to the late John M. S. Finney." Maryland Horse 60 (June/July 1994): 77.

Sparrow, Margaret W. "The Sparrows of Sparrow's Point." Maryland Historical Magazine 85 (Winter 1990): 395-403.

Sumner, Jim L. "Babe Ruth's North Carolina Spring: The Tar Heel Perspective." Maryland Historical Magazine 86 (Spring 1991): 80-89.

"Thackeray and Edmonds lauded for achievements." Maryland Horse 60 (April/May 1994): 74-75.

"The Thomas Cresap Story." Glades Star 7 (September 1995): 614-17.

Thomas, Evan. The Man to See: Edward Bennett Williams, Legendary Lawyer, Ultimate Insider. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.

Thompson, Chuck. Ain't the Beer Cold! South Bend, IN: Diamond Communications Inc., 1996.

Watson, Denton L. Lion in the Lobby: Clarence Mitchell, Jr.'s Struggle for the Passage of Civil Rights Laws. New York: Morrow, 1990.
Notes: Chief lobbyist for the NAACP during the crucial decades of landmark Civil Rights legislation, Clarence Mitchell (1911-1984) was often called the "101st Senator." His wife, Juanita Jackson Mitchell, and mother-in-law, Lillie May Carroll Jackson, were leaders in the state and national NAACP. The story of his life parallels the history of the Civil Rights movement in the 20th century.

Webb, Stephen S. "The Strange Career of Francis Nicholson." William and Mary Quarterly 23 (1966): 513-548.

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